An element in a received XML-file contains the geometry, which I believe is base64-encoded: (Just to be very clear. The XML-file is from a minor private company and the encoding can really be anything).


When I try to decode it to binary or hex, eg. using https://cryptii.com/pipes/base64-to-binary, it doesn't make much sense, and I haven't been able to translate it further into WKT.

I believe the geometry is a polygon, and I would expect it to begin with 010300 when decoded to hex. But it seems to be random, and I havent spotted a system in the 10-20 elements I checked so far.

UPDATE: I just received an extra XML containing a geo-element which I believe is a direct translation of the pointData. Part of geo-element:

<geo>POLYGON ((574186.01 6189134.36, 574186.9722 6189132.0619, 574187.007 6189132.0765, 574192.3921 6189134.8716, 574196.5415 6189114.3805, 574197.5166 6189109.0562, 574201.8228 6189096.6977, 574204.4497 6189083.4805, 574204.8315 6189079.1468, 574205.1841 6189073.9131, 574206.5314 6189070.1661, 574209.8995 6189060.0198, 574213.5201 6189054.294, 574215.1621 6189053.1994, 574215.3234 6189053.101, 574218.39 6189058.13, 574233.48 618....
  • 2
    Why do you believe it is base64 encoded? Looks like it might be an encoded polyline to me (which does use base64 encoding): fiddle
    – geocodezip
    Commented Oct 3, 2021 at 15:15
  • It just doesn't ring any other bells. Nice wok getting some sort of geometry from the string, although I'd expect the coordinate system to be 25832.
    – Mathias
    Commented Oct 4, 2021 at 6:37
  • Is it not an encoded polyline, at least it the values, when decoded as such, doesn't make any sense.
    – Mathias
    Commented Nov 10 at 16:52
  • It would help knowing from which country or language (character encoding) came, to know how to decode the bytes to a string. In several char encodings results in '.0wn', just two other result in 'Ύ>' and 'Ï>' for the first characters.
    – Pepe N O
    Commented Nov 14 at 21:44
  • 1
    Or unpacking the binary data to 4-byte chunks it results in "(1, 30, 46, 0, 1853298480, 537610641, 851525185, 1472237190, 65, 0, 0, 12288,..."
    – Pepe N O
    Commented Nov 14 at 22:12


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