After creating tiles, I'm trying to insert these tiles into postgres db which I had created earlier. Here's the procedure. Now when trying to import these tiles to database, I have to execute this command:
java -jar <your_geoserver_install_dir>/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/gt-imagemosaic-jdbc-{version}.jar import -config <your geoserver data dir>/coverages/osm.postgis.xml -spatialTNPrefix tileosm -tileTNPrefix tileosm -dir tiles -ext png
The problem is that I'm getting these weird import errors:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.geotools.util.URLs
Even when I somehow find the package and install it, some other import error pops-up. Most of these packages are org.geotools and I can't find most of them.
Is there a way to solve these dependencies issue?