i'm working on a QGIS-plugin and want to move the default LayerPanel/Dockwidget to somewhere else programmatically. More specific: i want to move it into a tab of my tabwidget. Is this possible? How can i get access to that specic dockwidget out of python?

1 Answer 1


qgis.utils.iface.mainWindow() has findChild and findChildren methods.

Unfortunately the QDockWidgets that display a title of "Layers" and "Layer Order" both have an objectName of "Legend".

This code will gain access to the right widget:

from PyQt4.QtGui import *

layersDockWidget = None
legendDockWidgets = qgis.utils.iface.mainWindow().findChildren(QDockWidget, "Legend")
for dockWidget in legendDockWidgets:
  if dockWidget.windowTitle() == "Layers":
    layersDockWidget = dockWidget

It can then be placed by calling addWidget on any QLayout.

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