Is it possible to output a PNG in a base64 string so that can be directly loaded into a browser? I've read through the PostGIS documentation which refer to the GDAL output formats. The GDAL output formats here state the following:
GDAL includes support for reading, and creating .png files. Greyscale, pseudo-colored, Paletted, RGB and RGBA PNG files are supported as well as precisions of eight and sixteen bits per sample.
Regarding MapServer, the only reference I can find is an unanswered question asked on the mailing list six years ago.
I am wondering if I can generate a png text string in the following form so that it can be loaded into a browser using the Data URI scheme:
<img alt="" src="" />
I would like to test this approach, as I am interested in the approach that MySociety used when creating Mapumental. In the description of how they made this tool, they refer to color-cycling of a base64 PNG string. The approach used by Mapumental is very complex - I am just interested in exploring how to even start this approach.