I'm calculating field of various features in my shapefile using QGIS.
I'm getting some sample length as 0.134914579766986
I want to know in what unit (eg: meters, km etc) is the above value ?
I'm calculating field of various features in my shapefile using QGIS.
I'm getting some sample length as 0.134914579766986
I want to know in what unit (eg: meters, km etc) is the above value ?
This is a measurement of whatever map units are specified in your project properties or CRS.
Check out:
Page 9 of http://wiki.osgeo.org/images/3/38/Db_foss_m1.pdf
"To set project properties click "[Settings > Project Properties]" in the main menu. The "Project Properties" window will appear. Click on the "[General]" tab and set Project Title and Map Units."