I am not familar with the OpenGeo suite so I might not have the detail specific to you down but unless OpenGeo preloaded a template or sample database, you need to create a spatially enabled database yourself.
When I was learning how to effectively use PostGIS, this website had the easiest step-by-step instructions of how to setup yourself a spatially enabled template.
Linfiniti - Installing PostGIS2
If you have that all setup and just need command line access to PostgreSQL just type:
psql -d databasename
This will connect you to the database you want. Common options include:
for remote hosts, don't use if your server is on your local machine
to connect via non-standard port (which is 5432, fyi)
to login as a specific user other then your current user
list all available databses and templates and then quits
I hope this helps.