You should be able to read this using the sf
package as a vector data source.
Extracting the ZIP file of the chart I think you are referencing gets me a US5MD23M.000
file. With sf
package I can see its lots of layers:
> st_layers("US5MD23M.000")
Driver: S57
Available layers:
layer_name geometry_type features fields
1 DSID NA 1 36
2 BCNLAT Point 121 43
3 BCNSPP Point 10 43
4 BRIDGE 40 40
[etc etc]
You can read a layer by name:
> rivers = st_read("US5MD23M.000","RIVERS")
Reading layer `RIVERS' from data source
using driver `S57'
Simple feature collection with 518 features and 24 fields
Geometry type: GEOMETRY
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: -76.1938 ymin: 38.23361 xmax: -75.5877 ymax: 38.64338
Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
> plot(rivers$geom)
You'll have to consult a data dictionary to find out what the layers and fields mean, if you need that information:
> names(rivers)
[25] "geometry"
More info about reading S57 in R via GDAL here: