I'm working with Corine Land Cover Accounting Layers files called "CLC2018ACC_V2018_20.tif.ovr" and "CLC2000ACC_V2018_20.tif.ovr". My goal is to get both qualitative and quantitative informations on the expansion of the forest cover in europe to propose those areas (where the forest is naturally coming back) as a potential object for passive rewilding project. I imported the first file in this way:
clc00 <- raster("CLC2000ACC_V2018_20.tif.ovr")
and then I plotted it with:`
the output is a map of Europe with values between 0 and more than 8000. How can I extract only the forest values? These should be the codes of the different land cover types: https://image.discomap.eea.europa.eu/arcgis/rest/services/Corine/CLC1990_WM/MapServer/legend