I used this command to export PostGIS tables to SpatiaLite with ogr2ogr
ogr2ogr -f SQLite -progress -dsco SPATIALITE=yes ./mapfile/psql_tags.sqlite PG:"host=localhost port=5432 dbname=gis user=postgres password=123" "planet_osm_line"
The data in PostGIS was originally imported with osm2pgsql (from OSM pbf). The table has tags column with hstore type.
ogr2ogr exports tags column as text in the format :
When performing a query in sqlite/SpatiaLite, I got
malformed JSON encountered during parsing of layer 'landuse-overlay'
Is there a way to export hstore type columns (PostGIS) as json in (SQLite)?
(Note: I can convert htore to json within PostGIS, my question is how to convert hstore to json using ogr2ogr)