
I have a small list of points, testingPoints, that need their geometry (x and y points) transferred to points within a larger dataset, baseCentroids. The datasets share a common field POINTID to help identify one for the other. This is the code I have:

rowFields = ['POINTID','SHAPE@X', 'SHAPE@Y']
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(testingPoints, rowFields)
for row in rows:
    whereClause1 = "POINTID = '" + row.getValue('POINTID') +"'"
    pointFields = ['POINTID','SHAPE@X', 'SHAPE@Y']
    points = arcpy.UpdateCursor(baseCentroids, whereClause1, pointFields)
    for point in points:
        point.setValue("SHAPE@X", row.getValue(SHAPE@X))
        point.setValue("SHAPE@Y", row.getValue(SHAPE@Y))

        #tried this method as well


While to me this looks correct it is not.

  • 2
    The first rule of cursors is to never use non-DA cursors. The second rule is to avoid nesting cursors (instead, search once into a dictionary, then use that for lookup). If you're copying points, just copy points (PointGeometry objects - with Shape@)
    – Vince
    Commented Jun 1, 2022 at 23:30
  • 2
    What happens when you run the code that you have presented? Better still what happens when you convert your cursors to arcpy.da cursors and use a dictionary to avoid nesting them?
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Jun 2, 2022 at 1:07

1 Answer 1


Using the three basic principles of ArcPy cursors

  1. Always use Data Access cursors
  2. Avoid nesting cursors (instead, search once into a dictionary, then use that for lookup)
  3. Use Geometry where possible

and assuming

  • The "small list" of point IDs is a small subset of the overall point set, and
  • The coordinate reference systems of the two feature classes are identical,

we get:

fieldNames = ['POINTID','Shape@']
pointById = {}
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(testingPoints,fieldNames) as cursor:
    for row in cursor:
        pointById[row[0]] = row[1]

with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(baseCentroids,fieldNames,
            "{:s} IN ('{:s}')".format('"POINTID"',"','".join(list(pointById)))) as cursor:
    for i,row in enumerate(cursor):
        row[1] = pointById[row[0]]
print("{:d} feature{:s} updated".format(
        i,'' if i == 1 else 's'))

Further insights:

  • Never mix DA and non-DA cursor syntax
  • The field_names parameter always comes before where_clause
  • Never attempt to update SearchCursor rows
  • Never perform string math (use str.format() instead)
  • Leverage str.join() to construct lists (but keep track of the quotes)

Note: While this does look like it's correct, you should test it (and add print statements anywhere you're unsure of what is happening)

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