I'm using the lidR package 4.0.1 in R to normalize height on a las catalog. I'm using a raster DTM as the elevation source. I have successfully completed this task using the same script and same point cloud and dtm sources (just processing a different area). This time, the normalization process stops mid stream and does not continue. My script is...
EPSG6497<- CRS(SRS_string = "EPSG:6497")
#build a LasCatlog object...
NAIP_LAS<- readLAScatalog("E:/MyDIR/Test2")
#assign projection
st_crs(NAIP_LAS)<- EPSG6497
#set some processing options...
opt_chunk_size(NAIP_LAS)<- 1000
opt_chunk_buffer(NAIP_LAS)<- 50
opt_select(NAIP_LAS)<- "xyz"
opt_output_files(NAIP_LAS)<- "E:/MyDIR/Test2/NormalizedLAS/{ID}_Height"
#read in the DTM as a RasterLayer Object here...
dtm<- raster("E:/MyDIR/Test2/TestDEM2.vrt")
#normalize height of the LasCatalog...
normalize_height(NAIP_LAS, dtm)
... From the console, it appears to get hung up and doesn't continue. I've run it for three or more attempts in two different test areas and different numbers of tiles process before it pauses...
Processing [========================================>------------------------------------------] 49% (49/100) eta: 4m
I let this small test area process for a whole day, just to see if it would eventually finish (it did not).
I've run out of ideas for testing why this could be occurring. I have plenty of space on my hard drive (~500GB free), and running this on an HP G4 geoprocessing workstation dual CPU with 18 threads and 96GB RAM.
Has anyone experienced similar behavior when normalizing a las catalog, and if so, how did you resolve it?