So, I have two layers:

-A point layer with a number of venues (around 2000 venues). The attribute table has 7 columns:

  1. Venue ID (Foursquare)
  2. Latitude
  3. Longitude
  4. Venue category name (Foursquare)
  5. Country code.

-A data layer has information about visitors to venues. But it contains 30.000 visitors (which becomes hard to work it). The attribute table has 4 columns.

  1. User ID (anonymized)
  2. Venue ID (Foursquare)
  3. UTC time
  4. Timezone offset in minutes

I want to filter from the second layer only the User ID's that visited the Venues ID from the points in the point layer.

And then I would like to know how many times a venue (from the point layer) the was visited.

P.S. I have only basic knowledge of QGIS

2 Answers 2


Would this help:

  1. Join the two layers first. Go to the Visitors-layer properties (right click) and Join > Add a new join from the green plus button and join to the venue layer with the Venue ID. Then you get a visitor table with all the venues and users that have visited the venues.

enter image description here

  1. After this you can create statistics based on venues. One way to do this: Go to a tool called "Statistics by categories" where you use the Visitors-layer as input and field to calculate statistics on: User ID and Venue ID as field with categories. The you get a temporary layer with statistics filtered by venues: e.g. count of the unique visitor visits.

Another way (possibly too tricky) is to get the statistics on the map with creating a relationship of 1:N to the layers. Following these instructions: https://docs.qgis.org/3.22/en/docs/user_manual/working_with_vector/attribute_table.html#creating-one-or-many-to-many-relations we can create a relatioship between the two datasets.

enter image description here

And then visualize e.g. the visit counts by size on the map with a function in the layer styling.

  1. choose graduated symbology for venues
  2. add an expression in the value field where you create a count from the relation based on user ID-field.

enter image description here

  1. Choose the size as the method and classify

enter image description here

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