
# read in bathymetery raster
r = raster('./ibcso.tif')

# set cells above sea level to NA and others to 1
r[r >= 0] <- NA
r[r < 0] <- 1

# make a SpatialPolygonDataframe
p = as_Spatial(st_as_sf(stars::st_as_stars(r),
                       as_points = F, merge = T))


Above, I import a raster of elevation/bathymetry values. Link to raster here. I change the values of the raster to identify the coastline (where raster values == 0) and convert this to a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. The plot shows the resultant polygons. In the right bottom corner of the figure the polygon is 'open', and thus forms a line along the edge of the original raster.

Plot produced

I would like to exclude this effect, so that the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame plot looks something like this:

This is the plot I want

1 Answer 1


If you reverse the logic when you set the values of r you can do this.

r = raster('./ibcso.tif')
r[r < 0] <- NA
r[r >= 0] <-1
p = as_Spatial(st_as_sf(stars::st_as_stars(r),as_points = F, merge = T))

enter image description here

test by creating q with your original logic:

r = raster('./ibcso.tif')
r[r >= 0] <- NA
r[r < 0] <- 1
q = as_Spatial(st_as_sf(stars::st_as_stars(r),as_points = F, merge = T))

zooming and plotting shows the lines to be perfectly overlapping at the pixel level:

zoom() # choose an area
plot(p,add=TRUE,border="red", lty=1); plot(q, border="blue", add=TRUE,lty=2)

enter image description here

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