I have a shapefile of census tracts and a CSV file with information I want to join to them. The CSV I am using has 65 rows, each for a unique census tract. I am using the census tract ID number as the key. For example of one the census tracts has an ID values of "1013.02". However, whenever I run the join I only get 60 of the rows from the CSV file to successfully join. I tried converting both key columns to double/real but that did not seem to help. I also checked to see if there were any duplicate values and there are none. I was curious if anyone has experience with a similar problem in the past? I have included links to a google drive folder containing the data and the website where I downloaded the census data from.



  • 3
    Have you tried converting the IDs to an integer? It's just a guess, but I suspect that will work better.
    – lambertj
    Commented Dec 20, 2022 at 18:39
  • 1
    The problem with changing them to integers is that the numbers after the decimal place are critical parts of the ID number. For example I have IDs like 1115.41 and 1115.42.
    – Ian Moffit
    Commented Dec 20, 2022 at 18:43
  • 3
    Would any IDs become non-unique if you just drop the period? So 1115.41 becomes 111541. Sorry, that's what I meant by integer, which was not very clear.
    – lambertj
    Commented Dec 20, 2022 at 18:46
  • 4
    Multiply by 100
    – Babel
    Commented Dec 20, 2022 at 19:02
  • 1
    So changing the IDs to integers did not help. When I went searched through the attributes of the census tract shape file I found 5 duplicate rows and 9 of the census tract values I was given in my CSV file were not present at all. Is there a place you all would recommend I download census tracts for Texas and the associated data from? Is there a way I can post the data that I have been using on Stack Exchange?
    – Ian Moffit
    Commented Dec 21, 2022 at 1:56

1 Answer 1


So I was able to solve the problem. This time I tried downloading census tract shape file from this website:


I then used GeoID as the key field for the join rather than the tract number.

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