I want to create a dummy variable for whether the point geometry overlaps the polygon geometry, do you know why the following field calculator formula does not work? I don't get any errors, but the results of the calculation are all blank. I have tried other functions starting with "overlay_" with similar results.

overlay_touches( 'buffer',limit:=1)=TRUE  THEN 1 

1 Answer 1


Possibly because they do not touch like this:

enter image description here

Try overlay_intersects instead:

enter image description here

  • 1
    Thank you!! I forgot to mention that I was checking the intersection with the polygon layer with respect to the point layer, just as you did. In the end, I did the calculation without "CASE WHEN" and it worked. Does the " overlay_" function return TRUE/FALSE for "select by expression", and does it return a number for the field calculator? Commented Jan 15, 2023 at 1:33

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