I am able to render a single COG (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF) file using OpenLayers examples
But, when when I go for rendering of multiple COG files, then it gives error.
How can I render multiple COG files using Open Layers?
Source Code: https://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/cog.html
This works (as single file working OK)
const source = new GeoTIFF({
sources: [
url: 'https://indgeos-cog-test-1.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/cog0.tif'
This Fails (as multiple files break)
const source = new GeoTIFF({
sources: [
url: 'https://indgeos-cog-test-1.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/cog0.tif'
url: 'https://indgeos-cog-test-1.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/cog1.tif'
Error at Browser (on multiple rendering)