I am trying to plot occurrences in different months using the mapview () function
x=data.frame(read.csv(file.choose())) ## choose the original CSV file downloaded from ebird
jan=x[which(x$Month == "1"),] ## separate out data by each month, to be plotted later as desired
feb=x[which(x$Month == "2"),]
mar=x[which(x$Month == "3"),]
apr=x[which(x$Month == "4"),]
may=x[which(x$Month == "5"),]
jun=x[which(x$Month == "6"),]
jul=x[which(x$Month == "7"),]
aug=x[which(x$Month == "8"),]
sep=x[which(x$Month == "9"),]
oct=x[which(x$Month == "10"),]
nov=x[which(x$Month == "11"),]
dec=x[which(x$Month == "12"),]
mapview(jan, xcol = "Longitude", ycol = "Latitude", crs = 4269, grid = FALSE, col.regions="green") # plot the data for january
I would similarly want to plot the data for all 12 months, but I can't figure how to keep the x-y bounds for each of those 12 months similar. It assumes a default bound, which varies each month depending on the max extent of the data in each month, which doesn't give me maps that I can compare.
Is there an option to add a header label for the map as well?