I have a problem creating a copy of a layer in pyqgis with layer.materialize()
. Namely, it leaves out one (or none) features from the original layer, depending on the layer.
E.g. when I run this code with a particular layer with 129 features, it consistently copies 128 of them, and always leaves out a single one:
new_layer = layer.materialize(QgsFeatureRequest())
ftr = QgsFeature()
layer.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterExpression("jd = '4583-3809-1068-6280'")).nextFeature(ftr)
print("Original:", ftr.isValid())
new_layer.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterExpression("jd = '4583-3809-1068-6280'")).nextFeature(ftr)
print(" New:", ftr.isValid())
Original got the SEK: True
New got the SEK: False
When I run it on another layer (of the same type) with 357 features I get all of them in the new layer.
A feature is left out in about half of cases (from my dataset).
I cannot find no particularity that would distinct the one feature left out. So far I have only noticed this on layers with QgsWkbTypes.Point
No errors or warnings or anything is reported in the process...
Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?
The workaround (at least for me) seems to be cloning the layer, writing it to a new location (which I have to anyways), and then reloading it from there:
new_layer = layer.clone()
options = QgsVectorFileWriter.SaveVectorOptions()
options.fileEncoding = 'UTF-8'
options.driverName = "ESRI Shapefile"
(err,e1,e2,e3) = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormatV3(new_layer, file_name, QgsCoordinateTransformContext(), options)
if err != QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError:
raise Exception(f"Creating layer {name} in '{file_name}' failed: {e1} / {e2} / {e3}")
new_layer = QgsVectorLayer(file_name, name, 'ogr')