I am trying to debug a problem and am not sure if it is my code or if there's a bug with shapely.
I have two geodataframes: one with points and one with lines. For each point in the points geodataframe, I am trying to find the closest line to this point, and then get the closest projected point interpolated along the closest line.
In other words, give me the closest point on the closest line to my point, but not necessarily an existing vertex on the line.
points = #.. geodataframe of Points
lines = #.. geodataframe of LineStrings
nearest_points = []
for point in points['geometry']:
nearest_line = lines.loc[lines.distance(point).idxmin()]['geometry']
nearest_point = nearest_line.interpolate(nearest_line.project(point))
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': nearest_points}, crs=points.crs)
I would imagine that taking the intersection of the resulting closest point geodataframe against the lines geodataframe would yield the closest points created in the previous step since they are supposed to be points interpolated along the closest line.
len(geopandas.overlay(gdf, lines, how='intersection', keep_geom_type = False))
When I inspect the data in QGIS, I can see that the points do not fall exactly on the lines.
Is this a shapely bug?
Here's a picture. Basically, the little orange points should lie exactly on the line since, but they are offset by a tiny fraction of an amount.
What I am trying to do is add nodes to a network of lines so the points have to be exactly on the line. The next step will be to split the lines at the points, but I cannot progress with the points as they are and snapping won't work because shapely snaps to the nearest vertex.
@BERA's solution seems like it should have worked, but intersecting the resulting lines with the original lines should have picked up all the end points and did not.
I wrote something that does work, but it required snapping the closest line to the nearest point on that line and updating the line's geometry to actually work.
Finally, I tried comparing the nearest_point and spatial join solution output geometries with the geometries of the output from the snapped solution and there seem to be unequal geometries, but when they are printed, they look identical. I'm pretty stumped.
def create_connecting_lines(pointsdf, linesdf):
connection_lines = []
def _nearest_line(point, lines):
return lines.loc[lines.geometry.distance(point).idxmin()]
def _segments(curve):
segs = list(map(LineString, zip(curve.coords[:-1], curve.coords[1:])))
return geopandas.GeoDataFrame(segs, columns=["geometry"], crs=linesdf.crs)
def _nearest_point(point, line):
return line.interpolate(line.project(point))
def _snap_line_to_point(line, point):
return snap(line, point, 0.0001)
for index, point in pointsdf.iterrows():
# get the closest line
line = _nearest_line(point.geometry, linesdf)
if len(line.geometry.coords) > 2:
# split into individual segments
segs = _segments(line.geometry)
# get the nearest segment
_line = _nearest_line(point.geometry, segs)
# get the nearest point on segment
nearest_point = _nearest_point(point.geometry, _line.geometry)
# snap the line to the point
_line = _snap_line_to_point(line.geometry, nearest_point)
# reset the line geometry to the snapped geometry
linesdf.at[line.name, "geometry"] = _line
# create connecting line
connection_line = LineString([point.geometry, nearest_point])
nearest_point = _nearest_point(point.geometry, line.geometry)
# snap the line to the point
_line = _snap_line_to_point(line.geometry, nearest_point)
# reset the line geometry to the snapped geometry
linesdf.at[line.name, "geometry"] = _line
# create connecting line
connection_line = LineString([point.geometry, nearest_point])
the_lines = gpd.GeoDataFrame({"geometry": connection_lines}, crs=linesdf.crs)
the_lines["length"] = the_lines.geometry.length
return the_lines
SOLUTION 1: nearest_points
linedf["linegeom"] = linedf.geometry
sj = gpd.sjoin_nearest(pointdf, linedf[["linegeom", "geometry"]], how="left")
sj["nearest_points"] = sj.apply(lambda row: nearest_points(g1=row["geometry"], g2=row["linegeom"]), axis=1)
sj["shortest_line"] = sj.apply(lambda row: LineString(row["nearest_points"]), axis=1)
sj = sj.set_geometry("shortest_line").set_crs(linedf.crs).drop(columns="geometry").rename_geometry("geometry")
SOLUTION 2: snapping
the_lines = create_connecting_lines(pointdf, linedf)
print(all(the_lines.geometry == sj.geometry)) # false
print(len(pointdf)) # 757
print(len(sj) == len(pointdf)) # true
print(len(gpd.overlay(the_lines, linedf, 'intersection', keep_geom_type=False))) # there are 757 intersecting points - this is correct
print(len(gpd.overlay(sj, linedf, 'intersection', keep_geom_type=False))) # there are 747 intersecting points, not correct
# get the index where geometries don't match
idx = the_lines.loc[the_lines.geometry != sj.geometry].index
print(the_lines.loc[the_lines.geometry != sj.geometry][:1].geometry.values)
[<LINESTRING (3043280.994 1619771.3, 3043307.474 1619792.514)>]
Length: 1, dtype: geometry
[<LINESTRING (3043280.994 1619771.3, 3043307.474 1619792.514)>]
Length: 1, dtype: geometry
What is going on here?