I am a relatively new user of QGIS and encoutered a first major problem.
I am working with this dataset that converts the available geocoordinates into the European standard ETRS89-LAEA.This is a grid of 1-square-meter raster cells covering all of Germany. It does not contain the specific longitudes and latitudes for the objects in the dataset.
The data is available as a
- CSV file that contains all the variables, also containing the grid cells
- a raster file that only shows the location of each raster
Now I want to join both files so that the raster file that indicates the location in QGIS contains the data of the CSV file.
This does not work out: I used the command Join attributes by location
but it does not find the csv file. I think the problem lies in the fact that the spatial dimension of the csv file is not recognized.
How can I change that and produce a join as described above?