I'm using the sf
package in R to understand how land cover changed from forest fires in BC, by overlapping burned areas (NBAC) with data from Dynamic World (DW). I have the DW data in the form of 5km by 5km grids with land cover proportions for each grid. When I use st_intersect(sf_2018, burn_2018)
, it duplicated four of the rows, with different geometries. Using st_intersection(sf_2018, st_difference(burn_2018))
does not resolve the problem, as suggested in this question. How can I avoid this?
Here is my code:
#Open Dynamic World Data
dw_2018 = read.csv("landcover_2018.csv")
##We can make this into a spatial object using the geoJSON information stored in .geo
sf_2018 = st_as_sf(data.frame(dw_2018, geom=geojson_sf(dw_2018$.geo)))
#Remove .geo column
sf_2018 = subset(sf_2018, select = -c(.geo))
#Open 2018 burned area data.
burn_2018 = st_read("nbac_2018.shp")
#Put a Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNRD) shapefile into same CRS as burned areas
TNRD_conal = st_transform(TNRD, crs = crs(burn_2018))
#Subset burned areas to TNRD
burn_2018 = st_intersection(burn_2018, TNRD_conal)
#Now put the burn areas into UTM to match with the exported data
burn_2018 = st_transform(burn_2018, crs = crs(sf_2018))
#Find area of sample tiles
sf_2018$area = as.numeric(st_area(sf_2018))
#Subset grid data to only include grids that intersect polygons and the intersection area
##Note: problem still occurs when I use subset_18 = st_intersection(sf_2018, st_difference(burn_2018)) instead
subset_18 = st_intersection(sf_2018, burn_2018)
#Subset data so we only have the ID ("system.index")
subset_18 = subset_18[c(1)]
#check which rows of subset_18 are duplicated
duplicated_rows <- subset_18[duplicated(subset_18$system.index), ]
#this number should be zero (there are four duplicated rows, they have different geometries but the same system.index)
duplicated_rows <- subset_18 %>%
filter(system.index %in% c(duplicated_rows$system.index))
Here is the table of duplicated rows:
> duplicated_rows
Simple feature collection with 8 features and 1 field
Geometry type: GEOMETRY
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: -121.589 ymin: 50.24116 xmax: -119.7244 ymax: 51.99503
Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
system.index geometry
1670 2_3921 MULTIPOLYGON (((-120.2922 5...
2416 2_4770 POLYGON ((-119.7521 50.7734...
456 2_1766 POLYGON ((-121.5678 50.2530...
1738 2_3994 POLYGON ((-120.2048 51.9569...
1670.1 2_3921 POLYGON ((-120.2472 51.9927...
1738.1 2_3994 POLYGON ((-120.2454 51.9930...
2416.1 2_4770 POLYGON ((-119.7256 50.7660...
456.1 2_1766 POLYGON ((-121.5838 50.2439...
come from? The object suddenly appears without any prior assignments, and you did not reference the source. But most of all, we would need some subset ofdw_2018
, which you can e.g. create viahead(dw_2018, 20) |> dput()
. Right now, this is a black box and there is no starting point to help you.