I need to limit or round decimals in my GeoDataFrame so that when importing to a shapefile and opening a file in QGIS, the number of decimals remains the same as in the dataframe.

In GDF looks like: 20.00000

In QGIS: 20.000000000000000


2 Answers 2


After importing, you can use the QGIS field calculator to create a new integer or decimal field. If it's decimal, set the number of decimal places. And in the field value, define that it will use the values from the pre-existing field.

  • Not really practical if you have tens or hundreds of fields
    – Andre Geo
    Commented Jun 4 at 8:08
  • my clients getting shape from my server and many of them dont want to change this himselves
    – Ilya
    Commented Jun 10 at 10:01

I found a solution to my question, everything turned out to be quite simple.

GeoPandas uses a schema from Fiona, and all that was needed according to the documentation was to fill in schema['properties']['key'] = 'float:the length of the integer part.precision after the decimal point'. Example: 'float:32.11', where 32 is the maximum length to the decimal point, and 11 is the precision. After this manipulation, I got the correct data in the Shape.

My code:

gdf = df.copy()

type_mapping = Structure().get_type_mappings()

schema = gpd.io.file.infer_schema(gdf)

schema['properties']['date_act'] = 'date'

for col, new_type in type_mapping.items():

    schema['properties'][col] = new_type

Structure is my class in which I have defined all data types.

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