Using QGIS, I´ve created a point geopackage layer (punkte_gnss) and two virtual layers (pGNSS_vL_PvDW,pGNSS_vL_CircleIntersect). Both with separate expressions and symbology/textstyling. But both with same setting in "Joins" property.

Is it possible to open the attribute table on a virtual layer and edit the joined fields?

These should also modified and saved in the main geopackage layer "punkte_gnss". There is an Editable join layer setting, but I can´t modify something in attribute table.

Perhaps it is also necessary to add the expressions inside virtual layer attribute forms for default values or to have these calculated in the main punkte_gnss layer.


1 Answer 1


It is not possible to edit the content in a virtual layer. Such a layer can be regarded as view (in database terms), which do not carry any data per se.

But depending on your project structure you can edit the underlying point layer. E.g., adding fields to your point layer, change values in your point layer, ... Those edits should also update in your virtual layer.

If you query data directly from a database and want to edit this layer ('spatial view') you should search for this.

  • but what means "Editable join layer"? Commented Nov 21 at 10:35
  • Or is it possible to open the corresponded feature from the point layer? A trigger, that activate the point on virtual layer and open the joined feature attribute form to change its values. The virtual layer generates a point in distance and I can make the "original point" unvisible. But when I click on the virtual point, it shows me the values, but I can´t change it. When the original is unvisible, it´s hard do find this point. Commented Nov 21 at 11:02
  • 1
    "Editable join layer" means, what you think it means: the layers are editable and you can upsert/delete data and updates are shown in both layers. But, the layers have to editable beforehand anyway, so it does not work on a virtual layer/view.
    – Fjedsen
    Commented Nov 21 at 11:05
  • OK, this means, when I select the point layer as editable and than click on virtual layer, I can change values in both and delete features? Commented Nov 21 at 11:52
  • I have not tested this, but from the description of "Editable join layer" my guess would be that this works not. Both layer have to be editable.
    – Fjedsen
    Commented Nov 21 at 13:35

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