I'm developing a GIS solution using Postgis database and geoserver as web map server. The solution to develop will analyzes the defects (as a polygon) and process parameters values (as a linestring) on the surface of steel sheets.
The number of the collected process parameters is about 100.
Considering the process parameters, which is the best way to store them considering that I have to apply some filter on row data before the analysis stage?
Their values as they are (number) building at run time the linestring for the layer applying functions ST_makeline(ST_makepoint(...)). In this way I can filter raw data before build the points and linestring.
Their values as a points over the length of the coil point(0, parVal) point(1, parVal) and then calling the ST_Makeline function. In this way I can filter points using ST_X in where clause before applying the ST_makeline() function.
Store directly linestring. In this way I can delete some points from the already build line string. (Is this possible?)
Of course there is difference in the execution time of the query among the three solution.