I've converted a bunch of .shp files to .kml using ogr2ogr and I've noticed that the placemark names in Google Earth are not reflected in the newly made kml files. I have also used ogr2gui and found that the placemark names do appear when made with them. With that said, ogr2ogr seems to be the better tool for automatic batch conversion of the files, and hence my desire to stick with it.
Edit: I have been told by Inventis (developers of Ogr2Gui) that by default the shp's column headers are replace by NameField and Description. Then, the driver fills those two tags with the attributes of the DBF.
In this case, could this be a driver issue? should I be building LIBKML and using that instead of the default KML?
I cannot use the 'NameField=' and "Description=" since the header names vary with each shp file.
Can someone help?