Looking for some help with getting the county for a lat/lon. I have PostGIS / TIGER Geocoder installed and can reverse look up a point and get the addresses. I would like to get the county the addresses are in.
I have...
geocoder=# SELECT pprint_addy(r.addy[1]) As st1, pprint_addy(r.addy[2]) As st2, pprint_addy(r.addy[3]) As st3,
array_to_string(r.street, ',') As cross_streets
FROM reverse_geocode(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-77.03 38.90)',4269),false) As r;
st1 | st2 | st3 | cross_streets
New York Ave, Washington, DC 20005 | H St, Washington, DC 20005 | | H St NW,13th St NW
(1 row)
And would now like to get the county for that point.