Is there any way to use open source tools (preferably QGIS) to rasterize a vector to create a raster with the same coordinates and resolution as an existing raster?

I know that the map size can be set using gdal_rasterize, but I'm hoping for something more precise...

1 Answer 1


GRASS will be very helpful to you since it uses a computational region to work on :

In computations,

  • raster input maps are automatically cropped/padded and rescaled (using nearest neighbour resampling) to match the current region in order to produce the output raster map or to query values.

  • Raster output maps have their bounds and resolution equal to those of the current computational region.

  • Vector maps are always considered completely.

So, using GRASS, you will define the region according to the existing raster

   g.region rast=myExistingRaster

(Adding -p option to the command will display raster properties)

And then, run the command to rasterize your vector layer :


More info on v.to.rast command is available online.

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