I'm using QGIS 1.8.0 and have some shapefiles with a "User Defined CRS" which I don't recognize. Is anyone able to recognize it?
Here is an image of the settings I see on QGIS.
I'm using QGIS 1.8.0 and have some shapefiles with a "User Defined CRS" which I don't recognize. Is anyone able to recognize it?
Here is an image of the settings I see on QGIS.
It's EPSG:6372, a projection for Mexico, defined by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI).
command line tool from the GDAL tools for that: Run cs2cs +proj=lcc +lat_1=17.5 +lat_2=29.5 +lat_0=12 +lon_0=-102 +x_0=2500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs +to +init=epsg:4326
and then enter your coordinate 2799808 1316921
. It will return 99d2'25.637"W 23d51'30.394"N 0.000
. You can add the option -f "%.6f"
to the command to get output in decimal degrees.
That looks like EPSG::6361 a.k.a. 'Mexico LCC'
The EPSG Registry is good for finding the common names for different systems and datums.
string. It looks like the projection in question is EPSG:6372, which uses the same projection parameters, but also specifies the use of the GRS80 ellipsoid.
your proj.4 string says it's a lambert conformal conic project with parallels at 17.5 ˚and 29.5˚ north, latitude origin at 12˚ north and longitude set at -102 ˚ west, false easting of 2500000, is using the ellipsoid of GRS80 and uses meters as a unit of measurement. Read about Proj.4 parameters here: http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/wiki/GenParms
Looks like it's centered in the Pacific Ocean off central America somewhere.