I have a series of files named as 'rawfile200101', 'rawfiles200102',...,'rawfile201104'. I want to do ZonalStatisticsAsTable for each of them with names corresponding to the time of the raw files, such as 'newfile200101', 'newfiles200102',...,'newfile201104'. I know how to script it for individal file, but I am trying to do it in batch. I wrote the following codes for four files, it is always shown error that "I:/rawfile%list%.tif" does not exist.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *

yrmn = ['200101', '200102', '200103', '200104']

for list in yrmn:
    outZSaT = ZonalStatisticsAsTable("I:/boundaries", "ID", "I:/rawfile%list%.tif", "I:/newfile%list%.dbf", "DATA", "SUM")

1 Answer 1


Python won't substitute variables like %list% into strings like how ModelBuilder does. Here's the most basic way to do it in Python using string concatenation:

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *

yrmn = ['200101', '200102', '200103', '200104']

for list in yrmn:
    in_value_raster = "I:/rawfile" + list + ".tif"
    out_table = "I:/newfile" + list + ".dbf"
    outZSaT = ZonalStatisticsAsTable("I:/boundaries", "ID", in_value_raster, out_table, "DATA", "SUM")

You could also use string formatting operations:

    in_value_raster = "I:/rawfile%s.tif" % list
    out_table = "I:/newfile%s.dbf" % list

Python purists would prefer the str.format() method, since the above string formatted may be deprecated in Python 3.x:

    in_value_raster = "I:/rawfile{}.tif".format(list)
    out_table = "I:/newfile{}.dbf".format(list)
  • I used the last one and it works. dmahr, you are a time saver. Thx a lot.
    – user25458
    Commented Jan 5, 2014 at 15:17
  • @user25458 Sure thing. Be sure to mark the question as answered if you're all set.
    – dmahr
    Commented Jan 5, 2014 at 15:18

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