I have created state and county choropleths in R using ggplot2. The method I have used for this came from Winston Chang's "R Graphics Cookbook". For those choropleths the map was already represented as a data.frame in R (as opposed to a shapefile).
I now need to create choropleths of the continental US at the ZIP code level. The boundaries that I would like to use are the US Census ZCTA boundaries which you can download as a shapefile here (select "ZIP Code Tabulation Areas" from the dropdown). The shapefile is large, at over 500MB zipped.
I do not have a background in GIS, and attempted to create a choropleth from the shapefile in R using ggplot2 by following the advice on the ggplot2 wiki: Plotting Polygon Shapefiles.
However, when I attempt to follow the advice listed there the program just hangs:
require("rgdal") # requires sp, will use proj.4 if installed
zcta = readOGR(dsn=".", layer="tl_2013_us_zcta510")
zcta@data$id = rownames(zcta@data)
zcta.points = fortify(zcta, region="id")
The call to fortify hangs - even running it overnight it did not complete. I have dug into the code for fortify a bit and can see the line that it causing it to hang (coords <- ldply(model@polygons,fortify)
), but am not sure how to fix it. I have also tried to follow the advice I have seen on numerous other websites about reading in shapefiles into R and ggplot2, but they don't seem to work for me either. I can't tell if it is because of the size of this shapefile or for some other reason which I do not understand because of my lack of knowledge about GIS.
It would be great if someone could help me with this.