I am using ArcGIS product (v.10.1). I have also tempalte of Maps from ArcGIS. But i need to get data from maps (.mxd files) to store it into MS SQL database. Explanation: I have application that has map in it's window. When i click on some city on map i get name of the city and it's coordinates and save them into DB. Problem - i need to have list of cities in database before i click on map to make some custom autocomplete for textBox.

I read some articles about getting data using Python, but i don't know this language. Any advices how to export data from mxd files?

Note: I am using C# to work with data.

1 Answer 1


In order to use C# with the ArcGIS Platform I recommend that you review the ArcObjects API Reference for .NET, and in particular this ArcMap Overview.

Something to be aware of at the outset is that little (some annotation is one exception) or no spatial data is stored in *.mxd files. Consequently, I suspect that what you are looking to do is to access spatial data via layers in *.mxd files in order to locate their external sources and any applicable filters and use them to copy the data from its sources to an SQL Server repository.

  • well, you are wright. I have simple database. But i need to use data from layers. And it will be very good to save data from layer before i start to manage it. (on click on layer, i save name and coordinates of clicked city, but i need to know before what cities can be clicked ) This is hard for me to explain. Commented Apr 13, 2014 at 11:13
  • @user2167382 I recommend that you either use the edit button beneath your Question to revise it with these additional details, or if you think you are now asking a new question then use the Ask Question button to do so. Although it may be hard to explain your issue(s), I encourage you to try to do so because a key feature of Stack Exchange sites is that they serve to help developers, analysts, etc improve their technical writing skills.
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Apr 13, 2014 at 11:29

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