I would like to convert all mxd's in a directory and it's subdirectories to ArcGIS 10 mxd's. This is so that I can then run python to automate some updates within them.
Is this possible?
This is my second post and I was also wondering if I should post sample code?
=== UPDATE -- Here's the code (for more usefully) converting 10 files to 9.3
#Downgrades all ver 10 mxds in directory and subdirectories to version 9.3
#and saves them with _93 extension.
import arcpy, glob, os
path = os.getcwd()
for pathname, directories, filenames in os.walk(path):
for filename in filenames:
if filename.lower().endswith(".mxd"):
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(os.path.join(pathname, filename))
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(pathname, filename))
if mxd.dateSaved:
print mxd.dateSaved
mxd.saveACopy(filename + "_93" + ext, "9.3")
currentMxd = filename + "_93" + ext
print "Updated: " + filename
print filename + "is not version 10 therefore not altered"