I want to use the NASA "Blue Marble" images as the basis of a map tile set for a Leaflet.js map. It seems like using TileMill is the easiest way of building up my tiles, and opens a lot of options down the road. However, it doesn't appear that I can import a plain "PNG" file as a layer. PNG files don't normally apper as a file data source, and when I force it, I get the following error:
TileMill Error
[tilemill] [tilemill] problem loading datasource
Error: Unable to determine SRS for layer "world" at C:\Users\jklemmack\Desktop\world.200412.3x21600x10800.png
[tilemill] at Function.resolved.srs (C:\Program Files (x86)\TileMill-v0.10.1\tilemill\node_modules\millstone\lib\millstone.js:785:37)
[tilemill] at next (C:\Program Files (x86)\TileMill-v0.10.1\tilemill\node_modules\step\lib\step.js:51:23)
[tilemill] at Function.resolved.Layer.forEach.name (C:\Program Files (x86)\TileMill-v0.10.1\tilemill\node_modules\millstone\lib\millstone.js:716:29)
[tilemill] at next (C:\Program Files (x86)\TileMill-v0.10.1\tilemill\node_modules\step\lib\step.js:51:23)
[tilemill] at Step (C:\Program Files (x86)\TileMill-v0.10.1\tilemill\node_modules\step\lib\step.js:122:3)
[tilemill] at resolved.srs (C:\Program Files (x86)\TileMill-v0.10.1\tilemill\node_modules\millstone\lib\millstone.js:712:21)
[tilemill] at Object.fs.exists [as oncomplete] (fs.js:91:19)
Please report this to https://github.com/mapbox/tilemill/issues
I attempt to specify the SRS as WGS84 (per NASA's readme) and I get:
Could not create datasource. No plugin found for type 'undefined' (searched in: C:\Program Files (x86)\TileMill-v0.10.1\tilemill\node_modules\mapnik\lib\mapnik\lib\mapnik\input)
Any help? Is this even possible? Do I have to slice up the PNG with some other tool?