I would like to a offline package to determine the country a person lives in from a text field in a database named locatoin. I started using CLAVIN which gives good results sometimes but surprisingly dosn't work on easy results. For example:
- "Toronto, Canada"
- "Fremantle, WA"
Both fail to return a result. I have deliberately skipped out the GeoParsing steps as I already know the text is an location. I am using the LuceneLocationResolver class, for example initialise the object:
LuceneLocationResolver locRes = new LuceneLocationResolver(file, 1, 10);
Create a location occurrence instance:
LocationOccurrence LocationOccurrence_instance = new LocationOccurrence("Toronto, Canada",0);
Add it to a list and try and resolve the location:
List<ResolvedLocation> result = locRes.resolveLocations(locations, false);
Am I using CLAVIN in the right way or is it just not up to scratch?
Backgroud: my main applicatoin is in Python but couldn't find anything that would do the job. So i'm using JPype to interact with CLAVIN using Python.