var options = {
resrictedExtent: restrictedBounds,
maxExtent: restrictedBounds,
units: "m",
projection: "EPSG:31467",
resolutions:[305.74872463815512,152.87436231907702,76.437181159538511,38.218590579769391,19.109295289884642,9.554647644942321,4.7773238224711605, 2.3886619112355802, 1.1943309556178034, 0.59716547780890172],
maxResolution: "auto",
controls: []
map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'map', options );
These are the map options which work with geoserver wms fine. I want to serve geowebcache layers using geoserver 2.5 with the integrated GWC. I have created a cached layer using the resolutions as they are defined above. In GWC the layer preview works OK and displays the layer as expected, but when I integrate the layer into the openlayers client, pink tiles are displayed. The resolutions seem indeed to differ from those defined by the normal wms layers. Have I forgotten something? Why don´t the resolutions match? The DPI is 96 by the way.
The URL of a wms tile which displays fine in zoomlevel 8 is:
If I change the URL to point to the GWC layer but keep the BBOX extents the same I get the following error:
400: Unable to match requested SRS EPSG:31467 to those supported by layer