Linked Questions

18 votes
2 answers

Is WGS84 a Coordinate system or projection system? [duplicate]

WGS84 is often referred to as a "projection system" and sometimes it is confusing to me about what a "projection system" is and where WGS84 falls in one. Could someone please clear that up for me?
ImaneKtb's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between a datum and an ellipsoid? [duplicate]

For example I am converting from ECEF to lla using def ecef_to_lla(x, y, z): lla = pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong', ellps='WGS84', datum='WGS84') ecef = pyproj.Proj(proj='geocent', ellps='WGS84', ...
nickponline's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Are ellipsoid and datum the same? [duplicate]

Are the datum and the ellipsoid the same? What is a Datum? The Earth is shaped like a flattened sphere. This shape is called an ellipsoid. A datum is a model of the earth that is used in mapping. ...
THILINA's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Geographic coordinate system and datum [duplicate]

I am bit confused about datums used to define a localised coordinate system for a specific area. Definitions say that, datum defines how a certain well-established point (i.e., reference point) on ...
Shrestha's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

what is the difference between the Geographic coordinate, transformed coordinate and screen coordinate [duplicate]

What is the difference between the Geographic coordinate, transformed coordinate(projected) ,cartesian coordinate, and screen coordinate? Is there a live example? And what is the association between ...
giser's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

Spatial reference for dummies?

Can anyone recommend a good reference or tutorial that explains the principles of spatial references, projections, and coordinate systems? We are a small team of programmers working with GIS ...
21 votes
5 answers

What is projection of WGS84 in GIS software? [duplicate]

WGS84 is a reference ellipsoid that determines coordinates of every point on Earth using latitude, longitude and height about the its surface. This ellipsoid is often used as a base to make maps. ...
multigoodverse's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

Understanding difference between Coordinate System and Projection?

Can somebody please explain what is the difference between the Coordinate system (WGS 84 for example) and a Projection (Universal Transverse Mercator for example)? What is the difference between a ...
marco's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Latitude, longitude, projections, CRS [closed]

I'm confused about the following basic points: Do lat/long points have a projection or are they projection agnostic? Do these points live in a sphere or a plane? I understand that projections are ...
xv70's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How would I convert this point to WKID 4326?

This is a point in Brewster, MA, USA. How would it be converted to WKID 4326? 324299.3348436486, 832511.5939650714
Seibar's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Converting NAD83 (epsg:4269) to WGS84 (epsg:4326) using pyproj

I'm trying to convert US census data (NAD83) to WGS84. I know the difference between the two is quite minor, but trying to apply the transformation using pyproj does not do anything. e.g.: from ...
Zohar Bar-Yehuda's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Vertical Datum and Projection

Does vertical datum get projected? I feel a bit confused with the concept of the vertical datum and doing a projection.
Carrie's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Advanced Digitizing Panel Not Enabled When Map View is in Geographic Coordinates

I am trying to use the advanced digitizing panel with a new line geometry layer. I am using QGIS 3.0.3 The QGIS documentation states: "The tools are not enabled if the map view is in geographic ...
That60sKid's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Difference between WGS_1984_UTM_33N and GCS_WGS_84

What is the difference between: a map that has a projected coordinate system of WGS_1984_UTM_33N, a geographic coordinate system of GCS_WGS_1984, and a datum of D_WGS_1984 a map that has no projected ...
Geoniette's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Understanding map projection coordinate systems

I have been playing around with a variety of map projections for the purposes of transforming between various representations. The thing that I still don't quite understand is how to interpret the (x,...
marcman's user avatar
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