Linked Questions

2 votes
2 answers

Adding MS Access Table as X,Y Points using QGIS? [duplicate]

Can you add an MS Access table as X,Y points in the same way you can Add X,Y data in ArcMap using: File --> Add Data --> Add X,Y Data
Mike's user avatar
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QGIS 1.8 Vector layer from ODBC connection [duplicate]

I have successfully set up an ODBC link from a FileMaker DB to QGIS, and using Layer/Add Vector Layer I can get a layer with a fully populated attribute table listed in the Layers Panel. I now want ...
Albert's user avatar
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Displaying geometry points from database layer using QGIS? [duplicate]

I have an Access Database with a table of Lats and Longs (as well as other attributes). I can create a layer using an ODBC connection and can open the attribute table etc but can't figure out how to ...
sean twomey's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Import info from mdb file into a project?

I need to import info on a QGIS project. The info are in a MDB file (population, mean age, number of cars and so on: one record per region) that is written to be connected with a region shape from an ...
Ale's user avatar
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10 votes
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QGIS 2.4 access .mdb add error

So I followed the instruction here: Can QGIS read an ODBC connection? for adding a .mdb into QGIS. There are great instructions about 1/3 of the way down. But I still can't get it to open. I on ...
T.J.'s user avatar
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Filemaker interface with QGIS

I have created a map of features on an archaeological site. The artifact inventory is in FileMaker Pro 12. Rather than creating a CSV file and using that as the attribute table, I would rather, if ...
Lyle Browning's user avatar
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How to connect QGIS with Access database [duplicate]

I am trying to connect Access database with QGIS like I would in ArcView but I get this problem. Data source name not found and no default driver specified QODBC3: Unable to connect Hoping someone ...
Jerry Clark's user avatar
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Microsoft Access mdb "is not a valid or recognized data source" in QGIS

The answer to RyanDalton's question "Can QGIS read an ODBC connection?" explains how to establish a link in QGIS with an MS-Access table. Following his steps, I can establish an ODBC link (I ...
Bomhof's user avatar
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QGIS error when open project when layer via accesses the database

I changed from QGIS 1.7.3 to 1.8.0. Problem is that I can´t open QGIS Projects, QGIS crashes when there are layers involved loaded via access-database connection. I used eVis. What can I do?
oppia04's user avatar
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can Well Known Text tables be used effectively, stored in Access or Base?

My question is: How do I import WKT text data back into QGIS, and how useful could Base or Access be in storing the data using WKT rather than spatially enabling it within a proper GIS database, like ...
user12711's user avatar
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Read >1 geometry fields into QGIS via ODBC from non-spatial database

I have a non-spatial database in FileMaker Pro that has two geometry fields per record (line and point). The database has a geometry_columns table and using the method outlined by @MerseyViking at ...
Albert's user avatar
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