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Added time layer doesn't show

I'm adding a layer with time control through the widget "add Data" But this layer doesn't show in map. Could someone give me a clue as to why this happens?
Pilgrim's user avatar
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Get Directions details from Directions Widget

I have created a Directions Widget as below var directionsW = new Directions({ map: map, routeTaskUrl: "https://xxxxxxxxxxxx/arcgis/rest/services/...
Yassine Khabbazia's user avatar
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Legend widget not loading all layers on inital load esri javascript api 3.20

When using the legend widget (esri JAPI 3.20), not all the layers show up when my map loads. I have to zoom a level first then they all show up. Any fixes?
Jay Hill's user avatar
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Is there an "Add Data Widget" equivalent for the ArcGIS Server JavaScript API?

The ArcGIS Web AppBuilder has an Add Data widget which: allows you to add data to the map by searching for layers in ArcGIS content, entering URLs, or uploading local files. In this way, you can ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Add ShowSaveButton in Directions widget arcgis api 3.38

I am working with Directions Widget with arcgis JS version 3.38 and want to display the Save button on the widget, so I have added the ShowSavsButton parameter. But still can't displayed on the widget!...
Yassine Khabbazia's user avatar
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Mobile friendly Styling for Esri Widgets in JavaScript 4.x API and Calcite

Has anyone had difficulty (or experience) styling Esri widgets for mobile friendly use? I am currently working on a routing application whose code structure (I believe) makes it impossible to access ...
Kurtis Eisenhuth's user avatar
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how focus a widget on screen?

I'm open a lot of widgets programmatically. So I need focus a widget when it's opened. The first time that widget it's open, automatically set focus, but the second time it doesn't. updated Code to ...
Pilgrim's user avatar
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ArcGIS API for JavaScript - access data inside analysing widget (interpolatePoints)

My code so far (JSFiddle) I want to analyse weather data. I am trying to create a Webmap Application to do so. The App should be based on the JavaScript API 3.18 provided by ArcGIS online. ...
obrob's user avatar
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