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Removing duplicates in feature layer using ArcPy

I made a script to detect duplicate cables in a feature layer. The goal is to get duplicate cables and estimate the distance between them and their duplicates in the main layer to know if it's a real ...
amaranaitsaidi's user avatar
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3 answers

Can you access all tools in python/arcpy regardless of license level?

Is it possible to write a python script using arcpy that is for a tool not included in the current desktop license level? For example, write something using the Identity Tool when you only have a ...
Craig's user avatar
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Check In/Out of ArcEditor Licence

I'm having issues with some scripts that import an arc editor licence to run (similar to the example given on this page, ...
Whytefish's user avatar
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Using arcpy.CopyFeatures_management results in a 000210 using a database connection that does not contain saved credentials [closed]

Currently have a problem running CopyFeatures_management in ESRI's ArcGIS 10.1 The following shows two Enterprise Geodatabase connection files. One includes the username and password and the other ...
jayuu's user avatar
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Setting ArcGIS Desktop license to lower level for testing whether Python script still runs?

I have a Python script that will need to be given to a client. We are currently evaluating what license level the client will need in order to run the script for their software acquisition purposes. ...
Kat's user avatar
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