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Questions tagged [standard-license-level]

ArcEditor/Standard is the middle license level for Esri software with most general geoprocessing tools that don't require extensions being available for use.

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0 votes
0 answers

Removing duplicates in feature layer using ArcPy

I made a script to detect duplicate cables in a feature layer. The goal is to get duplicate cables and estimate the distance between them and their duplicates in the main layer to know if it's a real ...
amaranaitsaidi's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Finding details of both overlapping shapes using ArcGIS Pro without Advanced level license

After Understanding Union analysis output using single feature class with overlapping polygons in ArcGIS Pro I now have a better understanding of that tool. However, I have a single polygon Feature ...
Maxcot's user avatar
  • 265
2 votes
2 answers

Performing isolation trace that ignores one valve type before stopping at another valve type in same feature class using ArcPy?

The map below is based on test data generated by the code that follows. That code: Creates a file geodatabase (test.gdb), with a feature dataset (TestFD), and in that feature dataset there are two ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
  • 65.4k
0 votes
1 answer

Creating boundaries around lines based on attribute

I am trying to create polygons around lines within another polygon based on a lines attribute Basically from this I want three boundaries within this boundary for each section of line. I have been ...
J.Blake's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to adjust the Record Dates field in ArcGIS 10.3.1 for Desktop?

When I use the Editor Tracking in polygon layer, the Date time that been created is not true: and my real time was: I read:
newGIS's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Identifying duplicate attributes using ArcGIS Desktop?

I am trying to identify and flag exact duplicate attribute labels (text) in a field. I can't access "Delete Identical" with my Standard ArcGIS license. I have ET Geowizards installed, they have a ...
Fflavioo's user avatar
  • 527
2 votes
4 answers

Calculate Length Totals in ArcGIS based on field values

I am having trouble finding the right words to describe this problem but here goes: I have 3 values (120,270,380) in my field called operatingvolt for every segment of conductor. Each segment of ...
LBurbank's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can you access all tools in python/arcpy regardless of license level?

Is it possible to write a python script using arcpy that is for a tool not included in the current desktop license level? For example, write something using the Identity Tool when you only have a ...
Craig's user avatar
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1 answer

Looking for a more effcient process for retrieving information

Using ArcGIS Desktop Standard 10.2. Need to retrieve specific information from multiple (10+) feature classes that are adjacent to/overlap/ or in close proximity to specific areas of interest (...
DGillis's user avatar
  • 11
0 votes
1 answer

Check In/Out of ArcEditor Licence

I'm having issues with some scripts that import an arc editor licence to run (similar to the example given on this page, ...
Whytefish's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Using Spatial join tool returning "Count" values in ArcGIS Model Builder?

I want to replicate the manual Spatial join (R-click Join) using 'count' in ModelBuilder. I have 2 datasets: Historic Road Traffic Collisions (RTC) locations - Point feature (gdb) - 3,398 rows Road ...
Olive's user avatar
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0 answers

Using arcpy.CopyFeatures_management results in a 000210 using a database connection that does not contain saved credentials [closed]

Currently have a problem running CopyFeatures_management in ESRI's ArcGIS 10.1 The following shows two Enterprise Geodatabase connection files. One includes the username and password and the other ...
jayuu's user avatar
  • 163
0 votes
1 answer

How to remove duplicate points based on other attributes

I have a point dataset of hundreds of thousands of points (zip+4s), many of which share the same value for one attribute (zip+4), but have different values for other attributes (ex: address). In other ...
MMB's user avatar
  • 253
2 votes
2 answers

Merge Error: Not Enough Memory

I'm attempting to make a flood plain map for a school project, and am using FEMA Flood Hazard Symbology for the legend. I've dissolved by a Flood Zone Field, but am left with two attributes both named ...
user26133's user avatar
  • 451
10 votes
5 answers

Setting ArcGIS Desktop license to lower level for testing whether Python script still runs?

I have a Python script that will need to be given to a client. We are currently evaluating what license level the client will need in order to run the script for their software acquisition purposes. ...
Kat's user avatar
  • 265
1 vote
1 answer

Using ArcObjects Sample for Custom vertex editing commands?

I downloaded this sample : it's a Dynamic Link Library. using ...
Mounaim's user avatar
  • 645
2 votes
1 answer

Merge Two Polygons Using Editor merge in arcGis

i want to create a ArcEngine function using .net that allow to do the same thing like (see picture): select 2 polygons click merge Is there somebody who can help please!! Sincerely
Mounaim's user avatar
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1 answer

Editor and projections ArcGIS

When opening an edit session Arc is telling me that some of my shape files' coordinate systems do not match the data frame. Here is the data frame coordinate system: Stereo_70 Projection: ...
Oliver Burdekin's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How do I find license number for ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a machine with ArcGIS for Desktop 10.0 installed on it. I need to find out which license it's using. The machine is single use ArcEditor and was authorized online. How can I find what the ...
ianbroad's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How can I determine the layer name in an edit session?

I have a problem with an editor extension in an Add-In for ArcGIS 10. The editor extension listens on different events occuring on shapefile layers via registering listeners: mEditEvents....
geoSuleiman's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Attempting to bring 2,300 .sid files into one raster

I've tried all of the raster tools within ArcToolbox with no luck having such a large number of files. There are about 7GBs worth of MrSID files totaling about 2,300. Most tools fail or process too ...
Matt Garcia's user avatar
1 vote
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Converting Long/Lat from Excel into shapefile [duplicate]

How do I convert (the attached image) from long/lats from my spreadsheet to drop into my shapefile for the Well locations? I have ArcMap (Editor/Standard) 10.0. I never had to do this conversion ...
Zoran's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why may Maplex options be grayed out?

I have the Trial Version for ArcEditor 10.0 with the extensions. Using Maplex/Labeling Manager, after clicking Property, I go to "FITTING STRATEGY". all the lables (stack, overrun, reduce font size, ...
Zoran's user avatar
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Parcel Editor 10.0 Selection

I am trying out the ArcEditor 10.0 trial version and am having problems with the Parcel Editor. I am attempting to "select" using SELECT PARCEL FEATURE tab, nothing gets selected. I did the START ...
Zoran's user avatar
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Fail to create relationship class

I am trying to make a relationship class between two tables, but I get this message at the end: Failed to create the specified relationship class Can you tell me why? Sorry I wasn't more precise: I ...
Ligia's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Converting .cdr to shapefile using ArcMap

How do I convert a .cdr (Corel) to a shapefile? I am using ArcMap (ArcEditor) 10.0. I am brand new to using 10.0 after using 9.3 and brand new to to the ArcEditor level license after using ArcView. I ...
Zoran's user avatar
  • 1,601
12 votes
5 answers

Creating polygons from lines using ArcEditor/Standard level license of ArcGIS Desktop?

I am trying to create polygons from a line layer of lots and concessions (large blocks of land in rural areas). The lines are mainly grid style as they intersect mostly at right angles. I need to ...
Matt's user avatar
  • 899
1 vote
2 answers

Join/Relate in ArcGIS 9.3.1 ArcEditor through a python script - is it possible?

I'm working on a ArcGIS 9.3.1 ArcEditor and I want to write a python script that will do a Join or Relate. Problem is, that join table\join field are restricted to ARCINFO (higher license), and relate ...
jonatr's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to distinguish installation of ArcView from ArcEditor?

How would I tell an installation of ArcView from ArcEditor, if looking at only the installed files? Specifically, how do I distinguish ArcView 9.3 from ArcEditor 9.3 ArcView 10.0 from ArcEditor 10.0 ...
user2913's user avatar