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Questions tagged [error-000210]

000210: Cannot create output, is an ESRI software code returned when the output cannot be created. Potential reasons include data locking, an incorrect path, and limited access rights.

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2 answers

Table to Geodatabase script in ArcGIS Pro failing with error 000210

After adding a .csv file (Some_Table.csv) to a project in ArcGIS Pro, I need to save the file to a .dbf file. The Table to Geodatabase script runs without creating any output whatsoever, and I get the ...
Mhoram's user avatar
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ERROR 000210: Cannot create output in_memory\SLR_Union.shp and ERROR 000354: The name contains invalid characters

I'm receiving the following errors: Traceback (most recent call last): File "f:\tst_root\GIS_WORKSPACE\sprice\PatchSize_SSG_Methods_Rework\SSG\Python\", ...
S. Price's user avatar
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Exporting feature class from GDB into GeoPackage using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.7. I'm trying to export a feature class from an ESRI GDB into a GeoPackage using the following geoprocessing tools/methods, and all seem to fail: Connect to SQLite (Geopackage)...
15Step's user avatar
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ERROR 000210: Cannot create output

I am currently creating a script for ArcMap that will create a file geodatabase and then two feature class datasets to store feature classes that the script also outputs. At the moment, I can get the ...
Tom Piggott's user avatar
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Arcpy Traceback error 000210: Cannot create output

I have been given the task of taking a script that was made by someone who has left and altering where it saves the files. This is originally a simple folder system but we are moving over to file ...
Tom Piggott's user avatar
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Adding or editing data in PostgreSQL from ArcGIS Pro

Is it possible to edit or add data from ArcGIS Pro (2.8.3, working with .gdb files) to PostgreSQL (PostGIS enabled), without ArcGIS Server ? I already have a connection to PostgreSQL, and can see ...
MaxPlank's user avatar
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Importing feature class from ArcGIS to SQL Server using database connection gives ERROR 000210

I am trying to import one point feature table "Point" to the SQL Server using the import option by right-clicking on the database connection folder under catalog. The new file name for the ...
Riz's user avatar
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Using Clip function through ArcPy gives ERROR 000725 [closed]

I am having trouble running a clip function with arcpy based on this tutorial. I run the code below and get an error message: import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\\Users\\dresc\\Desktop\\...
Huascar's user avatar
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Using quotation marks in ModelBuilder of ArcMap

The syntax in the ModelBuilder of ArcMap varies when trying to use the 'Name' output. When do I use double quotes, single quotes, or no quotes?
Mox's user avatar
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Projecting LiDAR data from GCS to state plane coordinate system

I have LiDAR data that is in GCS NAD83. I have converted that LiDAR data into an LAS Dataset for use in ArcGIS Pro. I'm now trying to convert that LAS dataset into a raster and the tool keeps failing ...
Matt Beal's user avatar
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Can't change data type in shapefile

I created a CSV with GEOID's and imported it into ArcGIS Pro. Arc is treating the GEOID's as numeric and the files as read-only. When I attempt to export the file to a geodatabase, converting the ...
Ron Campbell's user avatar
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Using ArcPy to Generate Near Table in memory

I have a point SHP in WGS84 (EPSG 4326) and I am trying to tabulate the distances to the nearest point in meters. I need to do the analysis using ArcPy, but I want to get the results in a Pandas ...
a11's user avatar
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Multiprocessing ERROR 000210 Cannot create output 'name' Failed to execute Intersect

I am trying to use multiprocessing to process intersects between polygons and points for a list of states and territories (the data sets for the points are large, so my hope was that the ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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LAS Point Statistics as Raster in ArcGIS Pro fails to write raster

In the past I was able to use the ArcGIS tool LAS Point Statistics as Raster, but it is failing to work in ArcGIS Pro 2.2 or ArcGIS 10.7 on Windows 10. After creating an LAS dataset, issuing the ...
user44796's user avatar
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Multiple Ring Buffer Tool Stopped Working

The Multiple Ring Buffer tool in ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.1 stopped working. It worked fine, now won't work at all. It doesn't matter where I send the output, I get the "Error 000210: Cannot create ...
Mike Marquis's user avatar
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Projecting features to Enterprise Geodatabase in Oracle gives ERROR 000210: Cannot create output

I am trying to project features from a geodatabase and write into an enterprise geodatabase connection. I have permissions to create data and the name I am using also works, but I keep getting error: ...
Annie's user avatar
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Getting ArcPy Error 00354 [closed]

Just to get the obvious out of the way, I am very new to python and arcpy. I know almost nothing. That being said, I've inherited a script that is run once a year and I'm now the only one responsible ...
Matt Beal's user avatar
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Why will arcpy.Project_management not create output?

I have 2 feature datasets in a .gdb (CNMS_Inventory and CNMS_Inventory_Albers). I set the dataset for CNMS_Inventory to 4269(NAD83) when I created it and it contains a feature class called ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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ArcPy: Select_Analysis Invalid Characters

The following script produces the ERROR 000210: Cannot create output... .shp and ERROR 000354: The name containts invalic characters Failed to execute (Select.). The line with arcpy.Select_analysis ...
GIS7's user avatar
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Clip/Intersect tool stopped working

I am using ArcMap 10.5.1 I have been using the Clip tool to cut out the amount of a given habitat type found within individual buffers around individual samples. After successfully executing this ...
Mayson45's user avatar
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Copy Rows to SQL Server Table using ModelBuilder?

I want to copy a table in my GDB to a table in MSSQL server 2012. I'm using the "Copy Rows" tool in ModelBuilder, but when I run it, I get the following error: ERROR 000210: Cannot create output ...
Jack's user avatar
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Feature to polygon in multiple folders

I have a few hundred folders, each with a set of shapefiles that are identical across folders (ie each folder has a 'lot.shp'). They are all supposed to be polygon features, but unfortunately many ...
Vince's user avatar
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Naming exported features from attribute information?

I am new to Python and in the process of learning. As a self test I am trying to export all of the municipalities of a single county feature layer as their own feature layers. I am trying to name each ...
Krizzle's user avatar
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ModelBuilder unable to overwrite existing features with same names

I have created a model that is meant to be run regularly to update an existing data set with new data. Ideally, the model will be able to simply overwrite the old data with the new data which would ...
Shelby G.'s user avatar
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TableToTable_conversion using PostgreSQL and ArcPy

Currently, I am trying to convert a geodb to a table in my PostgreSQL db with arcpy as such. I've tried both with the parcels table being created and the parcels table not being created arcpy....
Garett Roberts's user avatar
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Installing ArcGIS Desktop correctly?

I posted this on the ESRI technical support forum, but I figured I'd cross-post it here, too. I'm trying to use ArcGIS 10.6 (Desktop Advanced) on a Windows 7 Pro machine. However, something is ...
Dolson's user avatar
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Python script with forward slash in list causing errors?

Here is my script: import arcpy # set environment, workspace, and output location arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1 arcpy.env.workspace = r"Database Connections\Transportation.sde" output_loc = r"C:\...
John Diaz's user avatar
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arcpy.SpatialJoin_analysis giving ERROR 000210?

I have two polygon feature classes (buildings), one with attributes in green in the example below (building_sample.shp) and one with no attributes in red in the same example (building_sample_NA.shp). ...
ePoQ's user avatar
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Save/download ArcGIS Online feature layer as shapefile using Python script

I would like to go through my feature layers in my ArcGIS Online account and download/save the feature layers as shapefiles to my computer. I've tried this tool and also this and others but with no ...
user88484's user avatar
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ERROR 000210 Cannot create output 'name' Failed to execute CopyFeatures

I'm learning ArcPy, when I run this code from Python on ArcMap it works. But it does not work from the separate Python shell. import arcpy from arcpy import env import os output_dir = "C:/Data" ...
bug's user avatar
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ArcPy Is error 000210 occuring due to permissions

I have a script that worked fine a month ago but I suspect due to some reconfiguring of my citrix profile by IT as part of a maintennance drill they changed something that affects my ability to create ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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ArcGIS Exporting (ALL) layers from Table of Contents

I'm trying to export ALL layers from the table of contents from a map document but I get the following error: Runtime error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 14, in File "c:\...
Jordan's user avatar
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What is the proper syntax to use for the TableSelect_analysis to deselect everything?

I can use the code: for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(dataframe): arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(lyr, "CLEAR_SELECTION") to deselect features in each layer in my map. However, the ...
Craig T's user avatar
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Debugging MinimumBoundingGeometry_management() gives ERROR 000210?

I created a script to envolve points with polygons using the same value or ID. The main tool was the "Minimum Bounding Geometry", and so far my script is working good, but to convert to toolbox script ...
Victor Quiroz Barrientos's user avatar
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How to convert multiple CSV Files to Shapefiles/Feature Classes using ModelBuilder [closed]

I am trying to convert multiple csv files into separate shapefiles using ModelBuilder in ArcMap 10.5. I have generated the following model: In this model I am, specifying a folder containing multiple ...
Jasmin Khangura's user avatar
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Error when exporting to new folder using ArcPy

I want to create a backup copy of a feature class and place it in a new folder with today's date written on the folder name. I also need to output file to be a shapefile. The script below does ...
Theo F's user avatar
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Trying to export table from mxd using arcpy Copy Rows but get cannot create output error?

I am trying to export a table from a mxd using arcpy. I need a comma delimited .txt file. I believe the CopyRows_management function should work, however I always get a cannot create output error ...
Craig T's user avatar
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My program won't accept my output file path

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE 101 4.1\src\debug\", line 21, in File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wing IDE 101 4.1\src\debug\tserver_sandbox....
A_Worthy's user avatar
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Random errors with arcpy. Including "ERROR 000210: Cannot create output"

I have a script processing several geodatabases and, at the end, creating some shapefiles. During this process, an intemediary (local) GDB is created and some selected datasets/feature classes are ...
andzep's user avatar
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Export Query Layer to shapefile using arcpy [closed]

Composing a map using query layers in ArcGIS 10.4.1 (Basic) the final step is to backup the data used when the map is finalised. Exporting manually is straight forward. But using the conversion tool ...
stevo's user avatar
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Batch Intersect Not Working

I'm trying to run a batch job for the Intersect(Analysis) tool in ArcMap 10.3, but when I do for 20 intersects, it brings back this error: ERROR 000210: Cannot create output. However, when I do an ...
user88964's user avatar
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ArcMap Calculate Average Nearest Neighbor - failed

I am trying to determine the mean and standard deviation from a subset of point features. Once I determine the standard deviation I want to exclude any points that are more than twice the standard ...
geoJshaun's user avatar
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ArcGIS Python TableSelect_analysis ERROR 000210: Cannot create output

I have a very strange issue: I try to execute the following script which uses TableSelect_analysis and construct as outputs the corresponding tables from another table depending on a specific ...
ODstuck's user avatar
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arcpy.Project_management gives ERROR 000210?

I want to use arcpy.Project_management to project my data. I have.... arcpy.env.workspace = scratchGDB fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() for fc in fcList: print fc >>> lease90 ...
a1234's user avatar
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Error arcpy copy feature management problem when making join to shapefile

I am trying to join a csv file to a shapefile based on an ID field that keeps giving me this error: ExecuteError: ERROR 000210: Cannot create output C:\Users\geo.gdb\2010reg Failed to execute (...
dand's user avatar
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Cannot copy feature class to database [closed]

I need to copy a feature class to a vector database but the message I got is that the feature class already exists. However, I don't see it in the vector database - it is not there. When ...
Hester's user avatar
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Converting multiple CSV automatically to shapefile using ArcPy?

I have more than 300 CSV files. Every CSV file contains different Longitude, Latitude and other parameters (e.g. Date, Longitude, Latitude, Elevation, Max Temperature, Min Temperature, Precipitation, ...
Shouvik Jha's user avatar
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Exceptions for invalid files/ filenames that already exist in database

The script below is functional, but it runs into issues if it comes across duplicate files (even when overwriteOutput=True) and corrupt shapefiles when running feature to feature. Are there ...
geodranic's user avatar
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Arcpy Freezing on Field Calculation

I am trying to populate a grid with the number of features in each grid cell. I've gotten this script to work with a subset of the data, but when I try to run it on the full (52,000+) cell feature ...
BenStrike's user avatar
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Creating new feature class in ArcPy gives error 000210? [closed]

I am trying to create a new attribute table and I keep getting the same error. import os import arcpy import math folderpath = 'C:\Users\Michaelf\Desktop\GEOG M173' arcpy.env.workspace = folderpath ...
M_2210's user avatar
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