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Questions tagged [warning-000117]

000117: Warning empty output generated, is an ESRI software code returned when the output created or modified has no features.

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Using select by attributes in ArcGIS Pro ModelBuilder

Summary of my problem: When I use the select by attributes option directly from the attribute table, my query works perfectly, however, if I run the exact same query from the ModelBuilder. It doesn't ...
Lau's user avatar
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Empty output generated when importing CSV to geodatabase

I got Warning 000117 - Warning empty output generated while trying to import a CSV to the ArcGIS Pro geodatabase. I have cleaned the file to remove obvious problems -- changing NA and NaN cells to 0 ...
Ron Campbell's user avatar
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Failure deleting in_memory features ArcMap

Here is code and a function giving me grief. Unless issue is noticed specifically with merge and buffer, I am pretty sure my problem lies in the process of creating and overwriting (or deleting) ...
NW_Photo_Laureate's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Using Clip on data from a GPKG results in empty result set - WARNING 000117

I'm trying to Clip the contents of a GPKG file ( I select the feature from a different layer, ...
Luuklag's user avatar
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ArcGIS Identity tool giving ERROR 999999

When I run the Identity tool in ArcGIS software I get this error. How can I fix it?
user162559's user avatar
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Clip/Intersect tool stopped working

I am using ArcMap 10.5.1 I have been using the Clip tool to cut out the amount of a given habitat type found within individual buffers around individual samples. After successfully executing this ...
Mayson45's user avatar
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Why can't I buffer polygons in ArcGIS Pro?

I've created a polygon by merging several polygons from the same layer using the merge option under Edit menu. Now I cannot buffer the resulting polygon. I tried repair geometry it didn't help. I'm ...
KO 88's user avatar
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How to resolve Clip WARNING 000117 Empty output generated?

I am having issues clipping a very large polygon shapefile. Can you all help me? The error returned is “WARNING 000117: Warning empty output generated“. I have tried troubleshooting all of the ...
Amy J.'s user avatar
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4 answers

Using Intersect to find where line crosses itself in ArcGIS Desktop?

Can I not generate point features where a line feature intersects itself by using the Intersect tool? I try using it with just one line input but when I run it I get a warning saying the output ...
S. Price's user avatar
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Using intersect/clip for polyline to polyline features resulting in Warning 000117 ArcMap? [duplicate]

I am trying to measure the length of a polyline from its origin to its intersection with another polyline. The application is to find out the distance from a meteorological station to the coastline. I ...
LonPo's user avatar
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Empty output when clipping data in ArcGIS 10.3.1 [duplicate]

I'm encountering a "empty output generated" warning when attempting to clip a data layer. The clip layer is a buffer drawn around roads while the input layer is a shapefile output from GeoMason. The ...
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3 answers

Using Intersect Tool in ArcGIS gives empty output? [closed]

I'm currently searching for correlations between pavement conditions and crashes on highways. I created a 420ft buffer layer for my selected highways and now I am intersecting it with a layer for ...
Battansa's user avatar
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Combining several layers in ArcGIS Desktop using Intersect gives WARNING 000117: Warning empty output generated?

I'm using ArcGIS 10.3 I have the following 4 layers (all are polygons) You can find these layers in this link DATA Sites: 5 subcatchments (Site1 to site5) and site 5 combine all subcatchments ...
shiny's user avatar
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ArcGIS Modelbuilder Warning empty output generated to Halt process?

Is there a simple way of making ArcGIS stop if the following message comes up after "copy rows" have finished (see picture); Executing (Copy Rows (4)): CopyRows QueryTableB_cx C:\Users\fmromss\...
MSS's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

Understanding Clip Warning 000117 for Polygons?

This error makes little sense because 95% of the time this works without any problem, but here is the situation: I am clipping polygon A by polygons B-H. While most of the time this works perfectly, ...
Puppetkon's user avatar
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Intersect two same extent shapefiles, but got error 000117

I have used intersect (Analysis Tool) to intersect two polygon layers. But I got error 000117 after ran intersect tool. Same error message happened when I use clip (Analysis Tool). The answer and two ...
Yabai's user avatar
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Delete empty feature class in modelbuilder - "Calculate Value" Expression problems

I am trying to delete empty feature classes created in the process of intersecting layers with a set-up in modelbuilder. By using Calculate Value tool i have written a code that should do the trick. ...
aneh's user avatar
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Append Tool - 000117 : Warning empty output generated

I recently had to reinstall ArcGIS (10.2.2) and I am now having trouble running the Append Tool. I am trying to append a point Shapefile into a point Feature Class. I have completed this process ...
ChrisA's user avatar
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Delete Rows tool calls local pathway instead of data store scratch pathway

Publishing ETL's as services for automation and using the Delete Rows tool runs successfully in desktop. Publish the results and when the service is run the Delete Rows tool is trying to make the ...
Scott Fierro GISP's user avatar
9 votes
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Intersect (analysis) of polygons generating empty output

I have previously asked a question on determining the area of polygons with another polygon boundary. Determining the area of each polygon within a polygon boundary? I came to the conculsion that ...
JC11's user avatar
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2 answers

Polygons will not buffer in ArcMap and instead give WARNING 000117: Warning empty output generated?

I have been trying to buffer 15 polygons (-15m) in ArcMap. I did a batch buffer and 13 polygons worked fine, the other 2 have not buffered, an error occurs: WARNING 000117: Warning empty output ...
Alexandra's user avatar