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Importing feature class from ArcGIS to SQL Server using database connection gives ERROR 000210

I am trying to import one point feature table "Point" to the SQL Server using the import option by right-clicking on the database connection folder under catalog. The new file name for the ...
Riz's user avatar
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Copy Rows to SQL Server Table using ModelBuilder?

I want to copy a table in my GDB to a table in MSSQL server 2012. I'm using the "Copy Rows" tool in ModelBuilder, but when I run it, I get the following error: ERROR 000210: Cannot create output ...
Jack's user avatar
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Cannot copy feature class to database [closed]

I need to copy a feature class to a vector database but the message I got is that the feature class already exists. However, I don't see it in the vector database - it is not there. When ...
Hester's user avatar
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Feature Class To Geodatabase => ERROR 000210: Cannot create output

error messages: Executing: FeatureClassToGeodatabase E:\jags20120321.mdb\ch_cs "Database Connections\Connection to localhost.sde" "Database Connections\Connection to localhost.sde" Start Time: Sat ...
zhy's user avatar
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