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2 votes
2 answers

How do I hide a feature layer service

I'm only just getting into dojo, so I have what most would probably consider a very basic question. I've built my own legend in a div and added divs for the legend items. This is all quite manual, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cached Map Services concept and feature layer

I am having performance issue in my application. My feature layer has 220 polygons, but when I load the map with the feature layer, the browser hangs. On the advice of forum experts, I have now ...
5 votes
2 answers

Loading custom dojo and Esri

We have to develop an application which will have lot of rich ui along with a map. For the map, I am using the arcgis javascript api which includes dojo. For UI components other than the map, I want ...
7 votes
1 answer

Can you dynamically set print options using ArcGIS JS API?

I'd like to create an option in my web application where a user can click on a print button and a list of options appears: Page template (already available via esri.dijit.print) Map Title Notes or ...
1 vote
0 answers

ArcGIS map service not resizing for print-friendly page

( I asked this same question on ArcGIS forums, with no response...I hope someone here can help!) I am using ArcView, ArcServer 10.0 and the JS API v3.1 (so no print function) ... I have an app where ...
7 votes
2 answers

Styling a Chart within a Popup

I have a dojox bar chart on my app, that is populated from a QueryTask everytime the extent changes. I am making use of the Tufte theme (the only one that has a transparent background), and ...
0 votes
1 answer

Show pie-chart values & legend in info-window for AGS_JSAPI 3.4/3.5

Currently I am going through this example and trying to insert values in pie chart (I have added that screenshot and want to show values & legend in the info window) I am using ArcGIS Suit 10.1 ...
3 votes
0 answers

Simple Dojo Pop Up Window

I'm working on my first web application using the JS API and am looking to add a simple tabbed pop-up window that can be called on the load of the page that can display map instructions and a general ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to create a custom Attribute Inspector for mobile app using the ESRI JS API

I am making a mobile version of a JS web application I developed. I'm noticing though that the AttributeInspector widget by default uses standard dojo/form controls. This means that the form within ...
3 votes
1 answer

onLayerAdd function why dojo.connect?

I am building a map application, calling layers from an arcgis-server using the javascript api. Maybe I am being stubborn, but I am trying to minimize my use of dojo throughout this process. Much ...
2 votes
1 answer

Popup from multiple services

I am trying to have one infowindow/popup show from multiple services. I have successfully added the second service to my code, however, only 1 result will display. Ex. if I am at full scale, only ...
0 votes
1 answer

Esri Query Task service does not display

I am trying to make my way through some ArcGIS server Javascript API tutorials. My current issue is that when I try to display an Esri.Map, all I see is the "powered by esri" logo in the bottom right. ...
6 votes
2 answers

Error: Tried to register widget with id==legendDiv but that id is already registered

Getting the following error when running my app: Error: Tried to register widget with id==legendDiv but that id is already registered Not sure how to get rid of it. My javascript for the legend is: ...
3 votes
1 answer

Basemap Gallery Error - ESRI JS API

I'm getting an error when trying to switch basemaps in my application(right now only works in IE9). TypeError: Unable to get value of the property '_basemapGalleryLayerType': object is null or ...
3 votes
1 answer

ArcGIS Javascript: upgrade ComboBox to FIlteringSelect using ItemFileReadStore

I would like to upgrade a web app I am working on from v2.1 to v3.1 of the Javascript API (I have tried 3.2 but I am getting some very odd rending problems, so I'm settling with 3.1 for now...) One ...
1 vote
1 answer

create buffer around locator-derived point

I am trying to create a buffer around a point derived from a locator search, using this example: ..but I am getting no ...
1 vote
1 answer

open current selection's tab in tabbed infoWindow container: ArcGIS Javascript API

I am updating a webApp using ArcGIS Javscript API 2.1 I have an infoWindow with tabs which shows all of the features in my map. I built it based on this example:
6 votes
2 answers

Does the ArcGIS JavaScript API let me build / package my application using Dojo?

I'm currently getting to grips with the new (3.1) ArcGIS JavaScript API and how it bundles Dojo and relies on Dojo's Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) approach. I'm familiar with AMD and recently ...
1 vote
1 answer

JS API Toggle Pop-Up On & Off

I am attempting to allow for the pop-up to be toggled on and off by pressing a checkbox. Here are some snippets of the code: var clickHandler function popupOn(evt){ var query = new esri.tasks.Query()...
0 votes
3 answers

JSAPI 2.8 and Dojotoolkit 1.7.2? May?

I realize no one can give a definitive answer but is it reasonable to think the next release of ESRI JSAPI will be built on top of dojotookit 1.7? And will be released in the next 2-3 months? Any ...
3 votes
1 answer

Any Open Source Extensions to ESRI JSAPI?

I'm looking for some functionality beyond what ESRI already provides in the JSAPI. For example, the ability to display the LOD in a tooltip on the zoom control. It seems like there should be a dojo+...
4 votes
2 answers

Why is the Button code on the sample viewers so complicated?

I'm trying to modify one of the sample maps to add my own buttons, and I'm surprised at how complicated the HTML page is. Here is the code for the simple "Details" button at the top left ...

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