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Applying specific styling to group layers in the LayerList Widget in ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

Using ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.24, I would like to change the formatting of Group Layers within the LayerList Widget, such that the group layers can be immediately distinguished from non-group ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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How to remove the graphics created by the Shadowcast widget

Using ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.29, I'm working with the Shadowcast widget in a SceneView, and want to know how to disable the widget and remove the shadow layer that it creates. I can ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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2 answers

Using custom icon in the Expand widget in ArcGIS SDK JS?

Using the Expand Widget in ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, how can I specify a custom icon (eg an SVG or PNG image) rather than the Esri Calcite icons? The expandIcon parameter only accepts a string ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Is there an "Add Data Widget" equivalent for the ArcGIS Server JavaScript API?

The ArcGIS Web AppBuilder has an Add Data widget which: allows you to add data to the map by searching for layers in ArcGIS content, entering URLs, or uploading local files. In this way, you can ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Get Directions details from Directions Widget

I have created a Directions Widget as below var directionsW = new Directions({ map: map, routeTaskUrl: "https://xxxxxxxxxxxx/arcgis/rest/services/...
Yassine Khabbazia's user avatar
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Add ShowSaveButton in Directions widget arcgis api 3.38

I am working with Directions Widget with arcgis JS version 3.38 and want to display the Save button on the widget, so I have added the ShowSavsButton parameter. But still can't displayed on the widget!...
Yassine Khabbazia's user avatar
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Mobile friendly Styling for Esri Widgets in JavaScript 4.x API and Calcite

Has anyone had difficulty (or experience) styling Esri widgets for mobile friendly use? I am currently working on a routing application whose code structure (I believe) makes it impossible to access ...
Kurtis Eisenhuth's user avatar
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How to make the Polygon tool the active tool when the Sketch widget opens?

Using the ArcGIS Server JavaScript API v4.18, I am adding the Sketch widget. My goal is to have the Polygon tool as the only available tool, and to have this tool active when the widget opens. I've ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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Widget Expand is not functioning correctly

I have placed 2 widgets (baseMapGallery, LayerList) inside a small map in a rather large popup. To keep it from crowding out the view, I am trying to use an Expand to launch it from a small icon ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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On the fly/Dynamic measuring not working on Measurement Widget with different Basemap

I am developing an application with OS Open Carto Map as a Basemap and I have added a Measurement widget in the app. The measurement widget works fine for when the points are clicked for distance and ...
Astha Devra's user avatar
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restrict search to specific city - ArcGIS JS API 3.31

I'd like to use the Search widget to search for addresses and intersections in a custom web app (JS v3.31). Is there any way to restrict this search to a particular city? I see how to restrict it to ...
JasonBK's user avatar
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ESRI JavaScript 4 - Shouldn't the editor widget honor definition expression?

If a feature layer has a definition expression defined, as in the code pen example, shouldn't you only be able to see and edit (select for editing) features that meet the definition expression? It ...
AliWieckowicz's user avatar
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Turn certain layers on and off in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Developer Edition

Does anyone know a way in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder Developer edition that I can create a button or a link that turns certain layers on or off? For example, if I have three layers [1] Homes [2] Rivers ...
denim_dan's user avatar
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Getting SearchWidget result to JavaScript variable?

I'm using the following searchWidget and it works fine, I need to know how can I get location details, once I type something and hit enter. Lets I search for New York and hit enter, then search data ...
SharePoint Learner's user avatar
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How to style custom elements to match the ArcGIS widgets?

Using the ArcGIS Server v4 JavaScript API, the instructions for creating a custom widget are very complex. In my case I simply need to add some custom buttons, and style them to match the existing ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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How to configure modal widgets in ArcGIS Server JavaScript API version 4?

The ArcGIS Server JavaScript API version 4 has the concept of widgets, such as the LayerList or Legend widgets. Is it possible to set these widgets to be modal, whereby opening any widget closes all ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
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2 answers

Combining legend and layer list using ArcGIS API for JavaScript?

I'm building a web app using ESRI's ArcGIS API for Javascript 4.8. I have a legend and a layer list widget on the page. The legend displays the symbology used but lacks ability to toggle display of ...
DenaliHardtail's user avatar
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Radio Button in Layer List Widget Instead of Eye Icon

I'm using portalItem to display a web map in a web page and the Layer List widget to control the layer display. I want to show one layer at a time using radio buttons, instead of having to click on ...
PacmanKX's user avatar
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No manifest.json or widget.html file for WAB app

I want wanted to configure a select widget in my WAB code on my local to have only the selectBy Polygon instead of the out of the box SelectBy square settings. So I created a new WAB app with those ...
gwydion93's user avatar
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Added time layer doesn't show

I'm adding a layer with time control through the widget "add Data" But this layer doesn't show in map. Could someone give me a clue as to why this happens?
Pilgrim's user avatar
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how focus a widget on screen?

I'm open a lot of widgets programmatically. So I need focus a widget when it's opened. The first time that widget it's open, automatically set focus, but the second time it doesn't. updated Code to ...
Pilgrim's user avatar
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How to get current Basemap in ArcGIS for JavaScript 4.4 using BasemapGallery widget

I am trying to get the current basemap after user selection, in the sandbox provided by ArcGIS, sandbox link. I added a piece of code: basemapGallery.on("selection-change", function() { ...
Wang Tianjian's user avatar
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Legend widget not loading all layers on inital load esri javascript api 3.20

When using the legend widget (esri JAPI 3.20), not all the layers show up when my map loads. I have to zoom a level first then they all show up. Any fixes?
Jay Hill's user avatar
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ArcGIS API for JavaScript - access data inside analysing widget (interpolatePoints)

My code so far (JSFiddle) I want to analyse weather data. I am trying to create a Webmap Application to do so. The App should be based on the JavaScript API 3.18 provided by ArcGIS online. ...
obrob's user avatar
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CSVLayer as a source for Search widget in ArcGIS Javascript

I am trying to add my CSVLayer as a source for the Search widget, however, I've been unsuccessful. My Search widget searches addresses and I was able to add one of the sources from this example (...
joshua's user avatar
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4 votes
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Story Map SpyGlass without ArcGIS Online?

I am looking to see if there is an implementation example of the Spy Glass widget without ArcGIS Online or Story Maps. I have found the LayerSwipe documentation and can implement that fine, but I ...
Branco's user avatar
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CMV Viewer Floating Widgets

Does anyone have an example CMV site without the side bar or any indication whether it would be worth pursuing CMV if what I need is all widgets to be Floating Title Panes?
Tony Collins's user avatar
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Measurement widget does not work with other widgets in ArcGIS API for JavaScript?

I am having an issue with the Measurement-Widget in combination with other widgets with the newest ArcGIS API for JavaScript (3.13). With the sandbox, I was able to create a map which includes ...
tobi's user avatar
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ESRI Geocoder placeholder text not displaying

Following the ESRI API, I added the placeholder parameter to the geocoder widget to add some informative text would instruct the user what the search box was for. For some reason it is not displaying ...
BretW's user avatar
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How do I modify the "Playlist" Storymap to include a basemap switching widget?

I'm fairly new to HTML and the ArcGIS Javascript API. I would like to modify the default "playlist" storymap template to include a basemap gallery widget. Can someone help break down the steps to do ...
Btelliot's user avatar
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ArcGIS multiple scripts conflict

I am developing separate javascript widgets in different scripts and they work independently. However, when I try and put both scripts together, neither script works at all. So this brings me to my ...
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Get data to display on the map legend?

I am trying to use the Legend widget from this link below to build a legend that displays our layers in the map: I have added the legend widget ...
Kenny's user avatar
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