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Add QGIS Server WMS layer to GeoExt template

How to add QGIS Server WMS layer to GeoExt template (OpenGeoSuite SDK)? I used the following code, but unsuccessful display layer qgis: { ptype: "gxp_wmssource", url: "http://...
spatialhast's user avatar
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Change layer styles based on ComboBox search?

I'm using a combination of OpenGeo Server components and hand written GeoExt code to create a map interface. I would like to have a ComboBox that queries the OpenGeo PostGIS database in order to ...
user32523's user avatar
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Help me with this code from GeoExt and OpenLayers

I haven't gone entirely through GeoExt. But I am trying to understand the below code, but I am struck. The below code is about creating popups of feature information. But the layers added are WMS ...
GP92's user avatar
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Cannot populate a Ext GridPanel through GeoExt WMSCapabilitiesStore

I've been working through a few tutorial/starter map samples on the OpenGeo and GeoExt websites and have come upon a problem I cannot solve. I'm trying to load a list of layers from my GeoServer into ...
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