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Accumulate values in raster cells with backlink connectivity

I have origin points in different regions and within these region also specific values within raster cells (with 50m resolution). My goal is to sum up the values of all previous cells in the ...
Saelon's user avatar
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Error with equation in GEE

I'm trying to calculate values for a raster I have based on other raster values. The problem is that I get the error: -0.054.multiply is not a function and I believe it is because I'm writing ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Calculate percentile value of raster

I want to set null all raster values that fall below the 75th percentile value. E.g. If you classify the raster by quantile method into 4 classes I want to be left with the top 25% percentile. For the ...
FRMMO's user avatar
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Reclassify a raster in R based on two rasters with the output containing over 1000 bands

I am trying to convert the outputs of a model into a raster based on both a temperature raster and a seasonality raster. I have over 2100 bands so ifelse statements aren't going to cut it. An example ...
redferry's user avatar
4 votes
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Replacing Negative values with "0" for raster layer

I am trying to change negative values (raster layer) into "0" but I cannot find a way to do that. Does anyone know how to accomplish it in QGIS 3.2? I found an answer somewhere on the Internet to ...
ClaKie's user avatar
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Calculating acreage within county boundaries of a Raster file

I have a vector shapefile containing all of a state's counties. I also have a raster file with the statewide crop land use. I need to calculate, for each individual county, the total acres of ...
P. Simon's user avatar
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Seeking point statistic tool in QGIS?

Does anyone know if there's a tool in QGIS that is equivalent to ArcGIS Point Statistics? I need to create a raster with values from an attribute in a Point layer.
Ebba's user avatar
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