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Questions tagged [cost-surface]

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How to create a transition matrix from 3 rasters using gdistance

I have a dummy raster nrows <- 4 ncols <- 7 ras <- raster(nrows = nrows, ncols = ncols) values(rast) <- 1:(nrows * ncols) And I have three rasters that represent the speed of going from a ...
dguerrero's user avatar
2 votes
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Least average cost path (distance-agnostic)

I am wondering if there is a straightforward way in ArcGIS Pro to identify the path between two points of least average cost (as opposed to a least cumulative cost). Basically, I want a LCP that is ...
Daniel Hansen's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Change Value of Cell in Cost Layer (Raster) by whether it touches neighbouring cell

QGIS 3.36-Maidenhead: I have compiled a very large cost raster covering parts of Africa. I have applied cost values to all cells based on geographical considerations. I'd like to carry out a final ...
IanGS's user avatar
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How to get cost accumulation that does NOT take distance between cells into account?

I have performed a cost analysis on a raster, more specifically to obtain a cost accumulation raster, using the tools r.cost in QGIS and cost-distance in ArcGIS Pro. In these tools, cost between cells ...
S H's user avatar
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Perform cost distance with horizontal factors of varying magnitude

I am using ArcGIS Pro, I want to create a path-distance map for movement through water, factoring in ocean current direction and also magnitude. I have raster layers with the ocean currents in each ...
Kiran Hazra's user avatar
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R - gdistance: setting to 0 the conductance values of cells corresponding to a polyline

Goal I aim at setting to 0 (i.e., not traversable) the cells of a transition matrix (storing conductance values) that correspond to a (poly)line. Where I am stuck I am having hard time to figure out ...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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Has any research been done into navigability for offroad vehicles for different types of terrain and elevation changes? [closed]

"Navigability" is a pretty broad category, so to be specific, what I mean is, given some GIS data, how can we calculate the cost of moving from point A to point B, in some context? For ...
Nathan BeDell's user avatar
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QGIS least cost path sum of several paths (robustness)

I use QGIS 3.16. For a wildlife conectivity model I used the plugin Least-Cost Path. For robustness of paths I used 3 different cost rasters for the same start and end points. I want to know which ...
Flynx's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Cost allocation in R

Background I have been scratching my head for a while now on how to carry out cost allocation in R. I do know that there is a really useful package (namely 'gdistance') that can be used for cost ...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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Cost surface in R: topographic distance betwen cells' centers in place of planar distance

Aim Calculating slope-dependent walking distance taking into account topographic distance NOT planar distance between cell centers. Tool 'gdistance' R package Issue I do not really know how to code to ...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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Calculating anisotropic cumulative cost using two cost surfaces (uphill and downhill costs) and a DEM in QGIS

I have two cost surface rasters, one representing the costs of going uphill (or level) and the other representing costs downhill. Using these plus a DEM and a vector layer for the source point, is ...
YamCham's user avatar
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Using Tobler's Function Equation in QGIS (Creating Friction Surface)

I'm struggling to get an equation working in QGIS that I've seen posted for ArcGIS. This article has a full description. Long story short, the author modifies the original Tobler's Hiking Function for ...
user avatar
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Least cost path from multiple sources to multiple destinations across resistance layer

I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.7. I have little experience with ArcPy so using geoprocessing tools would be preferable. I would like to determine the number of boats that could potentially visit coastal ...
Pat's user avatar
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Mapping Tobler's hiking function with additional impediments using ArcGIS Desktop

Is there a way I can use Path Distance in ArcMap to calculate Tobler's Hiking Function with a DEM but also with additional time costs from non-slope impediments? For example, part of the landscape I ...
YamCham's user avatar
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A QGIS tool to perform cost surface analysis (as in ArcMap Path Distance)? not a least cost path nor a network analysis? [duplicate]

Within QGIS I am trying to perform a surface analysis to show the part of the terrain that can be reached from one or more source points in let's say 1, 2 and 3 hours of walk on the ground. That is to ...
OrCe's user avatar
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Cost distance of one raster using routes of separate cost distance in ArcGIS Desktop

Is there a way, using ArcGIS Desktop, I can calculate the cost distance for one raster of cost values but instead of using the least cost distances from that raster, using the routes/paths determined ...
YamCham's user avatar
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Calculating true distance of cost distance raster using ArcMap

I have calculated cost distance using a raster unrelated to path distance (a heat index) but would like to also measure the true path distance of those 'routes.' Is there a way to calculate such? If I ...
YamCham's user avatar
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Isochrone estimating using ArcGIS Raster Calculator

I am using ArcGIS 10.1 and I am trying to use the contour tool in order to get isochrones on a time cost raster. The raster has been estimated in the raster calculator by summing the path distance ...
Roberto's user avatar
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Combining cost analysis and voronoi-like area interpolation regarding slopes

I have DEM raster data of an island and I have 10 points (cities). My task is to map the island into areas. Inside these areas everything must be nearest to the corresponding city/point, and each ...
Marc H.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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Cartographic Depth-To-Water method using Cost/Path Distance

I'm having trouble understanding the method for creating a cartographic depth to water index and seek some guidance. I'm using ArcGIS Pro 2.3, but equally happy with ArcMap desktop. The method is ...
Hen Goodchild's user avatar
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Making Cost Surface Distance map?

Projection is in NAD 83- units of measure in meters. I have major roads NC vector data overlaid on Forsyth county in North Carolina. I would like to create a cost surface distance map using this ...
Brandon Lewis's user avatar
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Cost raster/friction map and data extraction

I am in an early stage of least cost paths analysis of a wide area. One part of the operation includes simulation of movement across the grid of previously agreed size of cells and extent of the grid (...
Radioactivepanda's user avatar
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Cost distance tool to figure out shortest distance over water between 2 points

I have multiple points in a bay and I need to figure out the distance of each point to the nearest inlet, without going over land. I have been told to use the Cost Path or the Cost Distance tool but ...
gros's user avatar
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QGIS r.walk.points Movement Directions raster exeeds input raster

I am very new to GIS, so excuse my potentially poor terminology. I am trying to create a cost surface in qgis. I have an raster with elevation data. Based on that I created a slope with the DEM ...
elpunkt's user avatar
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7 votes
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How can I estimate a Least Cost Path in Google Earth Engine?

I'm using Google Earth Engine to estimate walking time based on slope, using the Google tutorial and this example based on a DEM. My code actually runs, but I don't know what units the output raster ...
Erik Marsh's user avatar
3 votes
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Tobler's hiking function: resulting walking speed in KmH or m/s?

I was reading some literature dealing with least-cost path calculation and accumulate cost-surface generation using the Tobler's hiking function. I was reading this literature since I am trying to ...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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Integrating use of surface distance when calculating cumulative cost-surface based on walking pace?

Disclaimer This question is somewhat related to a number of earlier questions of mine: Accumulated cost surface (Tobler's hiking function) ignoring slope using R gdistance?; Calculating ...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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Assure the continuation of rivers (raster dataset)

I am creating a cost surface raster for identifying least cost paths for road constructions. One of the factors influencing the cost is water cover. I am using Landsat based Global Surface Water ...
nin_a's user avatar
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9 votes
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Understanding the values from transition layers produced by the R package `gdistance`

Background and Aim I would like to create a cumulative raster representing walking time across a surface. For my purposes, the cost to be accumulated has to be the walking time as influenced by ...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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Working out travel time from gdistance's conductance values in R?

Introduction This question is indirectly related to a previous post of mine (Calculating accumulated walking pace from starting location outwards using R?), but asks guidance about a different aspect, ...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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Calculating accumulated walking pace from starting location outwards using R?

Goal In R, I would like to calculate an accumulated cost surface around a starting location, with the cost representing the time (say, hours) to walk from the location outwards in all directions (say,...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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Accumulated cost surface (Tobler's hiking function) ignoring slope using R gdistance?

Background I wish to calculate in R the isochrones moving from a location outwards, implementing the Tobler's hiking function via the gdistance package (
NewAtGis's user avatar
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