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6 votes
3 answers

Iterate through features to use selection as input for ExtractByMask

I need to iterate through each of the features of a feature class successively to use each one as the mask to extract from a raster with the ExtractByMask tool. Basically I'm looking for the "Iterate ...
Yan Hildebrand's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Iterating through records specific number at a time using ArcPy?

I'm working with a table that has over 180,000 records. My code searches through the table and pulls field values (meeting a SQL statement) into a list. This list is used as part of a Search by ...
MattS's user avatar
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Iterating over (selected) features by the same id

I have a feature class Test_NearestNeighbor_Code. This feature class has 7373 polygon features and a column/ field called osm_id. I want to do a calculation with all features that have the same osm_id....
Mr.Zab's user avatar
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