Here's how I handled selecting multiple polygons scattered throughout an area that clips from a single raster image(DEM). My area covered four counties, so I had to change the DEM (hardcoded) each time I ran it. May be a little klunky, but it works. All of my polygons begin with the same naming convention. I use a lot of print statements in my code to verify it's running and that I'm getting the expected outputs. My sanity check....
import arcpy, os
from arcpy import env
from import *
env.workspace = "//w63-atlas/Stormwater/Waterways/Structure Flood Severity"
bslash = "\\"
Raster = bslash+"\\w63-atlas\Stormwater\AMEC\Platte\TOPO\DEM\platte_dem"
print " Raster lowkayshunn ",Raster
tile = raw_input("Enter FEMA TILE : C4, C5, C6, D4, D5, D6, E5, E6, F5, F6, G5, or G6: ")
outFC = "//w63-atlas/Stormwater/Waterways/Structure Flood Severity"
prefix = "Export_"
suffix = "_Culv*_1.shp"
depiwant = prefix+tile+suffix
slash = "//"
aewout = outFC+"/"
print "aewout = ", aewout
print "depiwant = ", depiwant
outFC = outFC+"/"+depiwant
print "Raster = ",Raster
print "outFC = ",outFC
arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = "//w63-
gdb = "//w63-atlas/Stormwater/Waterways/Rasterdatasets.gdb"
print "gdb = ", gdb
fcList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("Export_"+tile+"_Culv*_1.shp")
print "Shape files to clip from: " , fcList
for i in fcList:
print "aewout+i ",aewout+i
print "Shape file: ",i
Culvnum = i[14:-4] #strip out the name
rasnew = gdb+"/"+tile+"rz"+Culvnum[:-2]
print "Culvnum ", Culvnum
outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(Raster,i) #create temp raster file
print "Raster image = ",Raster
print "current Culv = ", i
print "outExtractByMask = ", outExtractByMask # save temp raster to final name
print "Raster CLip NAMe: ", rasnew
print "All done creating raster files. NEXT !!!"